Hashirama ECORZE Senju
Streaming some grinds
6h without brakes
Let’s talk about love.
Miss Etrisa Firefly
Avatar: Dante Artorius Inferno
Category: Mission
Name of Mission: Find Your Destiny.
Send by internal message to Osiris at 22:51 Spanish Hour
Happy Happyf33tTV feet
Total number of participants is 19 for the week 17/10/2023 to 22/10/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23
Avatar name: Artem InTeam Svoikin
Category: Streaming
Сhannel: Twitch
Avatar name: Maria Funnyfufu Awesomecakes
Category: Streaming
Channel: Twitch
In game name: Vidmantas Vill Laukys
Category: Event creator
4 weekly events, all information in thread:
I claim mission “The Hunt for the Elemental Drakes (Continued pt 2)” Sent to you on discord by Salty Wisp, Avatar name Wisp TheWisp Aho.
Penelope Penny Lane
Streaming Collection For October - Next Island CRP October 2023 #NextIsland #CRP - Total Time 08:24:34
Individual Twitch Streams:
October 15, 2023 - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1952002993 - Time 3:01:50
Sand Boars, Death Drakes, and Fishing w/DinnyD
October 21, 2023 - Sand Boars, Death Drakes, and Fishing w/DinnyD - Time 2:14:12
Weekly Chimera Event and BOSS Event
October 22, 2023 - Sunday Funday! #NextIsland #CRP - Time 3:08:32
Boar Daily, BabyHunter Club House, Brontes and Fishing
Hi there,
Avatar: Akira AkiranBlade Kurusowa
This is my October '23 submission:
(Roughly 29 hours)
Any queries, give me a shout
Happy Happyf33tTV feet
Total number of participants is 16 for the week 23/10/2023 to 29/10/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23
Mission from chain of quest’s: “Now lets get back to work”
Send via Discord.
Avatar: Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
category: Streaming + video
Twitch chanel
2hr stream
Cut from stream
*wanted to do more, but got some big troubles with OBS, so had to make short stream and make a video from sourse material from that stream…
** +17 avg viewers and other anomalies were because i started steam only on 3rd attempt and it compared this stream with 2 min stream where noone was
Quest/Mission “Labours of Heracles mission chain” for October 2023 sent via discord (Today at 10:36 PM) from Aleph Levi Benzait, document name “NIAG_CRP2023_LOH_October”.
Category: Streaming
Fire Dbug Fly
1 of 2
2 of 2
Stream 2
Thank you everyone for coming to the streams.
Working hard on Stream Improvements.
Steve StevieB Braggs
50+ likes 500+ views according to backend metrics. Front end lagging slightly as usual.