CRP23 - Submission - June

Use this thread to claim your entries.
Note that the June entries open June 1st 0:00 CET and closes June 30th 24:00 CET
All posts must show your full in game avatar name and what category you are claiming.
Supporting information such as links to the stream or video.
Screenshots for events or links to the video of the event if such was made.
Link to the advert in NI forum of the event if an event was done.
For missions send them to me directly here or via discord and write here the date it was sent, the person it was sent from and a title of the mission document.

If I have to search for the information I may end up not scoring it so to avoid that please be complete with your submissions

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Avatar: Denis SNZ Davidov
Category: Video content
For june 2023

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Name: Dante Artorius Inferno
Category: Missions
Tittle: “In search of the Silver Key”, the 2º part of the mission “The Beggar”

Sent by internal message to Osiris at 8:52 Spanish Hour :slight_smile:

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Avatar name: Brumle Brumle Hunter
category: Streaming
Сhannel: Twitch

1st. 02-06-2023: Twitch 4h 48 min. (Boar and Screecher daily)
2nd. 06-06-2023 Twitch 4h 14min. (Papoo and Boar daily)
3rd. 09-06-2023 Twitch 2h 39min. (Daily missions)
4th. 15-06-2023 Twitch 4h 14min. (misc missions)

P.S. no copyright music was used even if twitch might say so, im only using Streambeats that twitch linked to and said was safe for stream and VOD. (around 2 min muted each stream).

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Happy Happyf33tTV feet

Total number of participants is 14 for the week 29/05/2023 to 04/06/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23


IGN: Hashirama Ecorze Senju
Just doing some NI grinds, sorry for some streams being interrupted and then continued, tried to put them in order atleast
4h 30m

2h 20m ish

2h 39m

3h 46m

2h 20m

3h 26m


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Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
Stream: Twitch (roughly 1 hour 40 mins)

Was going to stream the vu but no vu xD so next time :smile_cat:

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Angela Draniie Cloud

Did a crap ton of mining this month. We got to 40/50 for the stel vip mission, before the month was at 18/50. Also did the weekly chimera mission for 1p of medicine xp. Did some brontes. OH AND SOME SNOW DRAKES It was one of the more relaxed months on NI. Next month we finish Stel vip and start doing the 2nd best daily in the game.

Live stream: Twitch
Vods: Twitch

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Happy Happyf33tTV feet

Total number of participants is 12 for the week 06/06/2023 to 11/06/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23


Avatar name: FireDbugFly
Category: Streaming
Сhannel: Twitch

06-10-23 - 450m

Daily Drake Eradication (Snow), NEO VIP missions review and Completion, That STEL VIP COMPLETION!!!
Hitting that Resource Gather LVL 25 Goal in the best way possible :slight_smile:
Thank you for all of the Support <3

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As always, suggest to Osiris that those of us who send Missions by internal message, discord or similar, receive a notice of correct reception…

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Not sure how much of this stream will count but…
Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
stream: Twitch

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was a short stream that crashed towards the end not sure any of this will count towards the hours.

Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
stream part 1 Twitch part 2 Twitch

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Avatar name: Bob Quasher Bobby
category: Streaming
Сhannel: Twitch

  1. Twitch 5h 7m
  2. Twitch 5h 55m
  3. Twitch 4h

Avatrar name: Wisp TheWisp Aho
Discord Salty Wisp #6671

I claim Mission Forest Remedies, I send it to you on discord as I did last month.

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IGN: Mindaugas minchas Kvasiakas
CAT: missions
submitted mission Saving Steak

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so I looked at the board and I know i don’t need to submit more but I had a lot of fun today.
Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
twitch: Twitch

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In game name: Maria FunnyFufu Awesomecakes
Live Streams:

  1. Twitch - Time: 04:57:52
  2. Twitch - Time: 02:42:22
  3. Twitch - Time: 05:14:20
  4. Twitch - Time: 05:23:36
  5. Twitch - Time: 05:31:58
  6. Twitch - Time: 02:08:16
  7. Twitch - Time: 03:13:52

Did some more exploring along with my favorite dailies. Also started some mining, which I’ve never done off Calypso before. I had some good luck and found a lot of stuff in the ground that I need for crafting. I finally started the Screecher Daily as well, although I haven’t completed it yet.

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Happy Happyf33tTV feet

Total number of participants is 15 for the week 12/06/2023 to 17/06/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23

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Stream 9 june 2023 - twitch
Stream 16 june 2023 - twitch
Stream 19 june 2023 - twitch
Stream 20 june 2023 - twitch
Stream 23 june 2023 - twitch

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