Lore Submission Thread

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #32

After brainstorming for awhile last night and coming up with a short list of necessities and a long list of maybes. My head was whirling with possibilities! So I decided to go into town for breakfast this morning. A change of scenery, and some hot food I didn’t have to make or do dishes from, sounded like just the thing I needed.

I was totally shocked when I realized that the server in my section was CHERRY!!!

It was she, the Cherry, the one who ruined my career hopes at the Times. I had to find out what happened. She didn’t recognize me at first. She came over and took my order. I watched her take other orders. She seemed a bit lost and flustered. I kinda felt a little bad for her. I ate my meal and paid my bill. I was wondering how to approach her. I heard her say to another server that she was going on break. So I took that as my sign. She had gone out of the building. So I followed her out of the building and around the corner.

As I approached her I said “ Hi, Cherry.” She looked up. At first she was startled. Then she looked at me a little closer and started to look a little afraid. My new more athletic appearance must really have changed my look, because the more she looked at me, then more fear I saw in her eyes. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her skull as recognition dawned on her.

I calmed her, said I just wanted to talk. She breathed again. But still looked super nervous.

We started talking. I eventually came around to when did she decide to become a restaurant server. She said it was the only other job she was qualified for. As the full story came out. That stunt she pulled on me, got her noticed by some of the higher ups. At first it looked good, like they liked her initiative in getting dirt, made her the editor of the gossip column. But then she dug up too many things on the Big bosses daughter and published them without any discretion what so ever. They were not even really all that bad. According to her, the worst thing was that the daughter of a prominent editor gets bad grades in reading. Because she had also published some loosely true things on several other writers for the Times and some prominent local citizens, she was unceremoniously turned away from the Times. On the grounds that a humorous gossip column shouldn’t be a clothes line for everyone’s dirty laundry. And she was too much of a headache to keep on staff.

I wanted to say something about what goes around, comes around, but what would that make of me? A big jerk. I was feeling a little sorry for her, but instead of feeling bad about what she had been doing to people, she tried to tell me it was my fault. IF I hadn’t written that poem, none of this would have happened.

I had a moment of that “slapped in the face” feeling, then I got over it and told her how GLAD I was that it had happened. I have an awesome new life!

I left her. As I walked away, I waved goodbye over my shoulder and said “ I hope some day you learn to be kind to others and then great things will come your way too!”

I caught one glimpse of her astonished face as I turned back around the building. I guess I hope she does learn to be kind. I hope that when she does good things do happen for her.

After all of that, my day of hunting seems very unremarkable.

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #33

My head was reeling in a different way today. That whole thing with Cherry yesterday. It is a good lesson that there is not much to be gained by meanness.

I even had thought that maybe my personal efforts against the papoo army were unfounded… but then I
went for a walk and saw a bunch of papoo just attack another traveler on the road! If they had attacked me I could have chalked it up to retribution, but they just jumped an unarmed traveler! I was close enough that I could run over and be of assistance, so I did. The man was very thankful, but couldn’t understand why the papoo attacked him. He ALSO was led to believe by that rotten Sebastian that papoo were his friends and would be grateful for protection from piglets.

I told him my theory on the whole thing, and now I have my first convert! Who knows? I could start a new faction. One on a grand quest to save Next Island from being run over by evil papoo!

I shouldn’t get to far ahead of myself. I, Isme Gotitt, Super Hunter in training. Still gets her butt kicked my the higher level Red Papoo.

Aah! That something I should probably be able to do before I go back to Ancient Greece. I should be able to take down more then 1 Red papoo with out ending up at revive.

Lets see, so for the must do list that makes it:

  1. Fix or replace all armor and weapons
  2. Empty out all unnecessary things from back pack so as to not be unneeded weight.
  3. Pack food and medical supplies for the trip
  4. Be able to kill 2 or more red papoo with out dieing

I don’t really suspect that my next trip to Ancient Greece will be overly successful. It might show me where my weakest spots are though. Which parts of my hunting and fighting skills need the most work.

More hunting tomorrow. Still need a lot of papoo for those contracts I have.

Name: Captain Hector Draken, EEF
Entry: #110


They were right, the stone allowed me to pass through, which made me think if I could use it again to gain hassle-free passage through the centaur territories again. Of course, I don’t believe it would be a good idea to strain the delicate relationship I currently have with them but it could make it easier to discuss with their leaders and make deals.

However, not all was smooth. As I approached Knossos, I was surrounded by a band of rag-tag mercenaries with laser rifles pointed at me. Outnumbered 8 to 1, I thought of fighting but before I could make a move, the leader of the group approached and stated:

“Hector Draken, we are here to carry out a bounty and warrant for your arrest by the Loyalist faction” he stated.

“On what charges?” I asked, having an idea of what I’m in trouble for but genuinely curious as well.

“Conspiring against the Elysian Loyalists, espionage, and… you know what, here’s the list, come with us”.

He handed me the list with what I was charged with and there were at least 10 charges on it, as well as the bounty on my head. 12,500 PED for my capture?! I was not aware that I was worth so little and was not as dangerous as I thought to them. Am I insulted? Slightly. I would put my own bounty to be at least 75,000 PED but considering they captured me right as I got out of centaur territory, I think I overestimated my own bounty worth.

Stepping off the teleporter, they watched me like a hawk and escorted me towards a gungnir. 2 gungnirs, with me in the first one, both of them dented from what I assume to be primitive stone projectiles. I pulled out my datapad on the flight and almost scared one of the guards to shoot. Pff amateurs. I can’t tell which am I more scared to be in the hands of, the Loyalists or this group of whatever they consider themselves. They didn’t even take my weapons, but knowing how bad of a spot I’m in, especially in a moving vehicle, I’d hit the ground pretty hard if we crashed.

Name: Captain Hector Draken, EEF
Entry: #111


It took us somehow a whole day to get from Knossos back to Thebes due to navigation problems on the gungnirs. I should have probably tried to do a hostile takeover of the gungnir but I know my fate is sealed and if I do, I’d just be chased down again by others. Might as well just confront my fate and get it over with.

The second we touched down in Thebes, we were surrounded by a mixture of Greek hoplites and Loyalist agents preparing to receive me.

“Captain Draken, you will now be transferred to the custody of the Elysian Loyalists. You have the right to remain silent” and… my mind wandered off as they repeated the charges and told me what I could do and not do. They soon enough led me away to some makeshift jail in Thebes.

This time, the Loyalist agents were brighter than the mercenaries and actually took away my gear, leaving me with my datapad but restricted access so I couldn’t delete any “evidence” I had on it. Read and write permissions, no deleting permissions, how useful, I guess the log entries will continue on.

It was about 0600 in the morning when a Loyalist agent came and told me what was going on, how they raided and shut down my mining operation, arrested my “co-conspirators”, and have us all separated for trial.

I expected more of my “co-conspirators” or whatever they claimed we were to defend to the last man, but based on some logs from the mining site confrontation, they surrendered after hours of standoff with both sides pointing weapons at each other.

He continued to tell me that I will be sent to Paradise Landing in the afternoon to discuss my options. Considering conspiracy is a big deal, I think I will comply since trying to escape now would make my case even worse and I don’t think I have anywhere to run. Assuming the Ancient Greeks are cooperating with the Loyalists, I can’t run anywhere except into space and I haven’t ventured out there yet, into the unknown.

Name: Captain Hector Draken, EEF
Entry: #112


I’m currently under arrest in a room at Paradise Landing, awaiting trial. Looking out the room’s window, I see soldiers and explorers walking about, the sun shining into the window, and the feeling of being exiled looming.

“I don’t want to go”, I thought to myself. Exile would mean abandoning my way of life and home to become another, and I very much enjoy what I have now. I’m not ready to be sent off into space and to another planet.

There was a knock on the door and then came in 2 guards and an agent. They were apparently here to interrogate me about my Ancient Greece activities.

“Do you admit to ordering a mining operation and incursion into a peaceful civilization’s territory without an authorization order?”


“Do you admit to bribing Elysian officials to finance and support your operation militarily for personal gains?”


“How long have you been doing this mining operation in Ancient Greece?”


“Are you conspiring against us with the Woodland Haruspex faction?”


“We literally have statements and messages intercepted about you cooperating with Haruspex”

The interrogation lasted for at least 2 hours with them continuously pressing on the idea that I was working against them with the Haruspex.

Realizing they were getting nowhere, they were getting up to go when I started speaking up and asking them my own questions. However, my own silent responses were reflected back to me by them with their own silence.

Another 3 hours passed with me just sitting in the room. Periodically, someone came in and told me about the status of my business partners, about their cooperation, and how I should spill my side of the story.

I chuckled and continued to stay silent. Curious to hear who throws me into the mercy of the Loyalist courts and then I will tell my side and why I did it. I have my thoughts, the military man will crack and the wealthy lady from space will just laugh and run away. All the EEF members they interview would make up lies and make the situation worse, and I think it only took about less than a day for my assumptions to fall into place and become true.

Name: Captain Hector Draken, EEF
Entry: #113


“Hector Draken, you are requested in conference room 4”, a guard came in and said. I followed him and a little escort to the conference room and sat down at the opposite side of a long meeting table. Across from me were members of High Command and they were not very happy to be interviewing me at the break of dawn.

They told me everything I wanted to know. Apparently, they got word from an internal audit that a large number of troops and equipment was diverted and “lost” and at around the same time, the New Elysian Order reported some mining equipment was sold to an off-world business entity and the same pieces of equipment were seen transported by scouts.

This got the entire investigation to grow and bloom. All I could think was that I covered my tracks so well at the start, but the process of building the operation was the problem. They also said that when they sent in a task force to the other side, they were greeted by the Ancient Greeks with open arms since I set up such a great reputation for the Loyalists. I… maybe have messed up by not specifying that not all the Loyalists were cooperative with me and they should have been careful.

Knowing my plans are pretty much exposed, I asked them what they thought of it, and they asked if I was planning to overthrow the faction leadership and install myself as the leader. They also reminded me that since I was charged with conspiracy, I’m having the rank of captain removed from my titles and the severity of the charges.

“Thanks to you we have to replace our northern border force. I hope you’re happy if we get invaded” they said, annoyed that I caused such a problem.

Already knowing that they are going to find me guilty of the charges, I said “Yes, you all didn’t want to throw your support behind me to finance the growth of the faction so I took matters in my own hands. All these ‘co-conspirators’ you speak of knew exactly what we needed, and that my friends, is resources. The New Elysian Order could wipe us out at any time and we struggle against Stel and Resa raids on our supply routes.

Name: Captain Hector Draken, EEF
Entry: #114


I’ve never experienced the Elysian court system. I always just follow rules and orders but this is new to me, what should I expect? What should I do? I didn’t even know we had the ability to have someone help defend and try to drop the charges until recently. This topic is never touched on and the concept is foreign to regular residents of the faction like me.

We were all transported to Shepherd’s Beach to be given the verdict. Military personnel were removed from the force, miners and workers were fired, and of course, the wealthy lady that I told you would run off did run off back to her asteroid mine. Overall it was not harsh sentencing for them, but then they all turned to me and that’s when the true punishment happened.

“Your unauthorized mission to mine out an independent territory was uncalled for and practically disobeying orders. You colluded with the Haruspex to keep the position a secret and made deals that were not approved by the Loyalist faction to keep the secret operation a secret”

“Uh actually” Before I even got to finish my comment, they continued.

“You purposely diverted military and industrial resources to carry out these plans, risking the security of our very way of life and for your own gain. I hereby sentence you to exile from the Elysian realm, from Loyalist territories, and you shall not return. If you return, you will be arrested again and sent into space to live out your days”

To say my heart sank would be an understatement. I loved Loyalist territory, it had beautiful waterfalls and beaches. Where will I go? Do they really expect me to not defect or join another faction? I guess that’s how it will go. I took the decision as final and accepted my fate. There was only one place I really wanted to be if it wasn’t on planetside.

As I packed my stuff, I noticed how little I was bringing: datapad, skyripper, a set of Atlas, a handful of weapons, and my mining finder. It isn’t much but it’s a start and that’s what I need while in exile.

After packing, they escorted me to where I wanted to be and left. Looking back into Orpheus’ Cave as they teleported away, a mixed feeling of sadness and excitement filled me. I turned away from the cave and looked towards the road and with the sun rising, I began my new life several thousand years in the past.

Isme’s Journey
Multiple submissions: entries 34-38

Isme’s Journal #34

Wowzers was I off my game today!

I got a few papoo and a few piglets but I was so sloppy. Perhaps that is another thing I need to work on. I need to not let other things distract from hunting. Things like what I am going to do with the profits from this hunt if there are any. HA HA today there will not be much, that is for sure! Things too like that incident with Cherry.

Even things like, where do all these papoo come from? I remember watching some old cartoons as a kid, where this Alien had a gum ball machine filled with green balls. The label on the machine said “10,000 martians – just add water”. The machine fell in a sewer drain and suddenly there were alien antenna poking up everywhere!

Sometimes I think the papoo and the mountain boars are just like that. No matter how many get killed everyday there are just as many the next day!

Again, I am distracted. Ugh. I think I need a good nights sleep and a good breakfast, AT HOME, and then a clear head for hunting.

Even though I am not really mad at Cherry anymore, I think I should skip that restaurant for awhile.

I wonder if I will get anymore of the pretty purple gems tomorrow. I forgot what they are called. They sure where pretty though.

UGH! Again, I am distracted. Maybe I am distracted because I am thirsty. I haven’t had a lot of water today. Did I have any today? What did I have to drink at the restaurant?

Sigh, Again distracted.

Maybe I need a large glass of water, a good nights sleep, a good breakfast at home and then go hunting tomorrow.

I was kind of cold last night, maybe my bedroom was too cold. Do I still have that extra quilt? What if I made a sort of quilt from papoo pelts? That would be warm.

Dang it, distracted again!

Okay… I need a glass of water, a good nights sleep with a warm quilt to keep away the cold, a good breakfast at home and THEN go hunting.

What about those designs for slippers I was working on……



Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #35

The blanket was a great idea! It was heavy and it seemed to calm me. I feel much more focused this morning!

My plan for today is to walk to the piglet field. While walking I am going to look for stones, magic flowers, fruit and dung for that supply order I agreed to get. Then I am going to warm up for an hour or so on those silly piglets. I want to focus on that new move, and then various follow ups to that move.

After warm up I am going to find the sensor that starts those waves of yellow papoo running at me. That will give me a variety of papoo and in different sized groups. If I can complete that I am going to move to where the brown papoo are and start practicing everything on them.

After that I am going to see where I am at for supplies and what time of the day it is.

So things went pretty well today. I had a lot of success at both the piglets and the yellow papoo!

I even got more of those pretty purple stones! I found a few pieces of fruit and surprisingly no dung even though I was surrounded by animals. Always baffles me.

When I went to fight the brown papoo, I was in good form! I made multiple clean kills with minimal damage to the pelts. I am quite proud of myself!

Magic and stones

Flowers and fruit

Until those I owns

I must stick to it!

Pelts and tusks

From animals I takes

Skills and lucks

Will hunter I makes

What a silly poem

So silly but I writes it

If I makes a silly tome

I hope somebody likes it

Ha, what a lot of nonsense!

Oh well its fun!

Well, here is to an excellent day, and maybe an even better one tomorrow!

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #36

Today was an interesting day!

I woke up to rain, lots of rain. I did not check the weather last night so it was a bit of a surprise.
This planet is generally sunny but it DOES rain sometimes!

This only set me back a bit. I had to run some errands and a little rain never hurt anyone.
So off I went into town. I found a few pieces of fruit along the way and some pretty flowers. I even found one of those rare blue magic flowers! So Yay!!

It was on a regular road too. Fewer people were out in the rain so I must have been the first to see it.

I got what I needed in town and had a nice stroll back. I even spent sometime splashing in some road side puddles like I did when I was a child. He He. Good times! Good times!

When I finally got back home, I was soaked to the skin. I really should not be surprised! I mean, come on, how much water does anyone think I chiton will hold back?

So I dried off, hung up my soaked chiton and since I wasn’t going anywhere else, I got into my jammies. I decided to check my messages and have something to drink. Good thing I did too!

I had sent some sketches of my clothing ideas to a friend of mine on Calypso. She thought they were really great and had showed them to a clothing buyer friend of hers. That person thought they were so amazing that they want to get together with me to discuss a possible production run for sale in their stores!!!

I had to read the email 3 times before my brain wanted to process what I had just read!
Then I stood up, sat down, stood up again, had an another drink, sat down and read it again.

Of coarse I am going to meet with, with, the person! As I write this I can’t remember her, I think its a her, name.

This could be the next big thing for me! I could not only abandon cheap ramen all together but I could actually afford to fix my ground car and start saving for an air ship!

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #37

I talked to my friend on Calypso this morning. She is talking to her friend and we are going to set up a time to conference. It will need to be remote because at this moment I have no way off of Next Island.

Just think, my journey to become Isme Super Hunter could be a journey back into the fashion world. The fashion world and the hunter world… It could be AMAZING on an epic scale!

The TIMES might even want to interview me!!! Then my new title could be Isme Gotitt, Super Hunter and Trend setting Fashion designer!!

Whoa whoa whoa back it up Isme. There is a long way to go yet.

Now that I have re-established my grip on reality, I did do SOME hunting today. I worked on the follow up moves to that new move. I should give that move a name… calling it the “new move” is getting weird. And if I keep calling it the new move, what am I going to call the next new move when I learn it? Hmm, should I call it the “slide slice”? Or maybe the “Super awesome Isme slide”? Or, how about the “Pelt Saver?” That is kinda cool. I don’t know. I will have to work on it!

One thing I just remembered. My friend hinted that RED papoo fur might be the ideal color for my designs. I am still struggling with those red papoo. One of my things before going back to Ancient Greece is being able to take down 2 red papoo in a row with out dieing. I am gonna have to step up my game a bit I think.

Tomorrow I think it will be hard core papoo hunting. I have to keep this momentum up. I think and early start and if I stick to it all day, I will treat myself to a big meal at one of the Tiki restaurants in Crystal Beach.

OK Isme girl to bed with you!

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #38

Well today was fun. I think. Maybe? I started off with a few piglets, then some brown and yellow papoo. Okay if I am going to be honest here. I actually started off by tripping very ungracefully over a bit of broken branch. Then I killed a few piglets for warm up.

Then I headed over to the yellow papoo savanna and was about to take on my first papoo of the day. Slipped on some fruit in the grass. So on top of the indignity of falling, my long searched for fruit was ruined beyond usefulness.

By this time, all the nearby papoo were alerted to my presence. A large number of them headed my way!

I quickly got up and got ready for a heck of a fight!

It was an ugly fight. Anything resembling grace or poise or finesse was gone. Utterly and completely gone. I got knocked down a few times, including being knocked back at least once into the squashed fruit!

Like I said. It was UGLY. By the time it was over I was pretty ugly too! Fur, refuse ( ya, I guess they can resort to that maneuver when pushed to it) smashed fruit, mud, and who knows what else was smeared all over me. I was cut and scratched in many places and slightly dazed.

BUT, I survived! I really did! I survived! I did a tail count when it was over and there had been 14 papoo in that fight! 14 papoo against me, The girl who it seems like yesterday had difficulty fighting a potato chip bag that would not open!

I will not say it was fun, because it was not. And I will admit, for a Super Hunter in training, I started off this hunt very badly.

I will give myself credit though for fighting through it, and at least keeping enough presence of mind that I could stay alive and not end up at the revive terminal.

Now that I have written it out I guess it was a good day after all. Tomorrow I think I give red papoo a go. Then by some new clothes. This outfit is done for!

Final entries
October Lore Submissions

Entry #1
Pink Neon Bamboo – A New Species is Discovered
Research by Fatteus “Fatty” Thorsson

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (or living exclusively on Rocktropia) you may have gone to the new Carnival Island here on Next Island. If so, you surely have seen something astonishing indeed! A new species of Neon Bamboo has miraculously emerged! In this report, I will go over the prevailing theories as to how this occurred, and we may even shed some light on why as well.

Neon Bamboo is not new to Next Island. In fact, you may have read my report on it a couple months back. If so, then you know a lot more than most people. I daresay most people simply walk by this bamboo without even a second thought. Neon Bamboo is difficult to cut down and impossible to eat for most creatures, us included. There is but one critter capable of eating it, and as of yet is still purely theoretical as it has yet to be captured. I speak, of course, of the Night Panda. What does this mythical beast have to do with Pink Neon Bamboo? Why, everything, of course! You see, the Night Panda is how Neon Bamboo procreates. It eats it (not a mean feat) and spreads its seeds. That’s the other thing about Neon Bamboo that I neglected to mention in the last report. Bamboo on Earth spread through under-soil root systems known as Rhyzomes. Neon Bamboo has seeds that are encased in its metal-hard shell which need to be broken down and fertilized to grow. Generally, you get several new shoots for every one shoot eaten.

But what about that pretty, pink hue? My thoughts are on the sandy soil of Carnival Island itself. There must be a property of this soil that gives the Neon Bamboo growing here (as well as other plants – don’t get me started on the magic flowers here) a pink coloration. That is the only thing that explains it. Other than that, there’s not much more I can say about Pink Neon Bamboo. I seem to have developed a bit of a cough, so I am going to lay down for the night. There will be more reports tomorrow!

Entry #2
A Day In Ancient Greece – Part 5 A New Shadow Falls
Short Story by Fatteus “Fatty” Thorsson

The sky darkened as though it were about to storm. The land cracked under her weight as she slithered ever toward Mount Olympus. Would Zeus soon rule over a dead world where nothing could live but him and his fellow Gods and Goddesses? The wind picked up in a zephyr and blew dust into her scaly, hideous face. She spat, the moisture of her spittle quickly dissolving and leaving the ground none-the-wetter. At this rate the swamp would be a desert as well.

“Dreadful, isn’t it?” the silky-smooth voice came from out of nowhere. Gorgon looked around. Then, her shadow twin appeared between two dying bushes, slithering into view like a dread wraith. “Zeus put his blood into the ground. It does wonders for beings like us, but apparently it has the opposite effect on the Earth.”

“You,” Gorgon began to speak with loathing.

“Yes, me. I am your best side. A reflection of everything you could have become if you just followed your every ambition.”

“But you’re real, not just a reflection.” Gorgon stated in breathless disbelief, still with a hint of irritation at her Shade’s presence and brazen attitude.

“Yes, perhaps. Maybe even more real than you are yourself.” Gorgon’s Shade took note of the look in her twin’s eyes and added, “but I did not come to mock you. I came to make you a deal.”

Gorgon’s features, which had begun to contort with rage, softened a bit before she responded. “What could you possibly offer that almighty Zeus has not already given me?”

“Insurance.” the shade said simply. “That your newfound eternal life is a comfortable one. I should care about you,” she added quickly anticipating Gorgon’s next jab. “We were once one together, were we not? I am you,” the shade slithered around her twin, “and you are me. Let’s work together. I have managed to give us quite the reputation in these lands. Surely this will come with its own challenges. We will need to join forces to defeat those who would rob us of the greatness which we deserve.”

Gorgon closed her eyes and meditated on this for a minute. She listened to the sibilant sounds of her shadow twin circling her and tasting the air with her tongue as all of the snakes on her head did the same. “What good is eternal life in a dead world?” she finally managed to utter in response.

“Why don’t you ask Zeus?” the shade offered.

“That’s where I was heading when we met.” Gorgon answered in earnest. “I need to know something.”

“The extent of your immortality?” her shade asked innocently.


“Fair enough question. Can we be killed? She is wondering. I too wish to know. Find out for us. I will await you at our lair.” And with that her shade had seemed to vanish as soon as Gorgon opened her eyes.

Mere miles from this rendezvous, Creon, Archon of Thebes, was in a heated meeting with the Elders of Thebes about the state of Ancient Greece.

“We must know what is causing this death and decay of the land and our crops! Creon, could this have anything to do with how you got the serum to cure us?”

Creon’s temples were hammering in his head and sweat drizzled down his face. He was also concerned that this may have been partly his doing once again. “Yes. It can be nothing else, of course.” He stood and crossed the temple room, speaking as he did so. “This must be Zeus’ judgment on us for defying him.”

“So, you believe this was caused by none other than Zeus himself?” the Elder said in disbelief.

“It’s only a hunch, of course, but I’d be more worried if it were some other all-powerful entity, wouldn’t you?”

The Elders were silent as they contemplated this point and Creon continued to pace.

“But what exactly did he do and how do we undo it? That is the question that may be our undoing if we tarry too long in answering it.” Creon looked at his most trusted advisor, Aegeus. “We will need the expertise of the Atom Pylis if we are to hasten a solution in time to save us. Our food stores are going to dwindle before too long, and there will likely not be any harvest this season to replenish it.”

“That is sound advice.” Aegeus answered. “I will call upon the Haruspex that they may travel to their world and retrieve the Atom Pylis for us. May the Gods grant them haste before we waste away like the waters in the harbor.”

“Indeed.” Creon stated stoically and he turned his back and walked out of the temple, leaving the other Elders to consider what they had discussed that evening. Creon walked toward his home where his daughter worriedly anticipated his return. “Don’t worry, Thebes. Creon is on it.”

Entry #3
A Day In Ancient Greece – Part 6 Curing the Land
Short Story by Fatteus “Fatty” Thorrson

The ground broke under the weight of every step Creon took, leaving nothing but dust in his wake. The air smelled of charred trees, but there were no fires. A fire could be lit, perhaps, but could even fire survive this blight? Creon harbored doubts such as these as the Atom Pylis arrived from the door that was in Orpheus Cave. Led by the Haruspex Elder, they marched at both his sides, dressed in a variety of other-worldly garb and armors.

“These are the finest men and women I could gather from the other world,” the Haruspex recited officiously out of no mouth, it appeared, just glowing bio-mass. “They are prepared to receive your orders, honorable Archon.”

“Very well!” Creon barked and the new arrivals jumped. “We will cover every last inch of this land. We will look under every leaf and every stone. We will question every sentient thing. We will hunt, mine, and craft if we have to. Leave nothing to chance!”

The Door People saluted and one asked, “when do we start, Archon?”

“If you can find a way to start yesterday, do it!”

With that, the capable men and women of The Door dispersed, going about their business as ordered. Creon looked across at the Haruspex who led them. “These all the Atom Pylis you could muster, Elder?”

The Haruspex bounced and flashed brightly as it spoke. “The finest!”

Creon’s brow creased in worry. “I hope so. This world depends on it. Last night I had a vision. A nightmare, that the ground heaved and broke until there was nothing left but a dead crater. And in that crater, there were three shining gems it seemed, emblazoned fiery in the night. Not sure what that all means.”

“Those could be the sources of this problem, perhaps.” The Haruspex said jovially. “Three objects. Hmmm. I wonder what they could be? Clearly this was a vision entrusted to you by a rogue God or Goddess who does not agree with Zeus’ actions.”

“I certainly hope there’s a higher power on our side, because we certainly need it.”

The two moved down the path back to Thebes from Orpheus Cave in quiet reverence for the gravity of their situation as the last waves of the sea lapped at the intruding shore.

Meanwhile, Gorgon had reached Olympus at last. She slithered up the crumbling face of the mountain until she was at Zeus’ very doorstep. Her breath was labored as she looked around for that familiar nimbus cloud and finally saw it snoozing a little way down the balcony outcropping that she was now on.

“Zeus!” She called in his direction.

Zeus grunted and rose from his slumber, wiping dirt from his eyes and growing irritated. “What is it now? Who disturbs my royal slumber?”

“You said that concoction would give me power, yet I feel as weak as ever! And not only that, there’s an obnoxious twin of me running around now!”

Zeus was finally upright and scratching his beard. “Oof. Where to begin? First of all, I’ve seen you rip a man’s head clean off his neck, and that was AFTER you turned him to stone. You are anything but weak. Secondly, you now have twice the power, twice the intelligence, since there are two of you. What more could you possibly want from me? Have you killed that blight of a man, Creon yet?”

“First of all, there is something else I want, and that is confirmation. Is my immortality absolute or is it just figurative?”

Zeus splashed his face with droplets from his nimbus, irritation growing again. “I have half a mind to show you.”

Gorgon was confused, “What do you mean, show me?”

Without warning, a white, hot dart of pure plasma forked from Zeus’ right hand through Gorgon’s chest. The sensation was like getting cut open and closed up at the same time as she was blasted into oblivion by the sudden violent attack which both eviscerated her and cauterized the damage at once. In that instant, she was no more, just bits of flesh jiggling like jello on the stone of Olympus. The next moment, she was back, standing over her old carcass. She felt her body with her hands and started to laugh like a mad woman.

“See?” Zeus said in a booming voice that was both angry and jolly, joining her in the laugh. “You cannot die! Wasn’t I right again as usual?”

Gorgon sucked in a great breath and let it out with relish. “Wonderful.”

“Now let me finish my nap,” Zeus said waving her away.

“Wait! One last thing,” Gorgon said, daring rising in her now that she was truly untouchable. “Before I kill Creon and his family for you… I must know.”

Zeus raised his eyebrows again, “Hmm?”

“Can this land be saved?”

“Yes.” He said simply in reply, then elaborated, “As soon as the Humans are gone. I will bring this land back to her old pastoral beauty so that we can all gaze upon her again uninterrupted by filthy little Humans dancing in the fields or building cities too close to my mountain.” He slumped back down into his comfy, fluffy bed of clouds.

“Will it not also kill all of your other followers?”

“Maybe. But not all of them. The strong will survive. The Molochs are safely in their Depths. The Brontes are tough as nails, I’ve seen them subside on nothing but dirt before. Oh, and the Centaur have their medicines. They’ll all be fine.”

Gorgon, who normally was not too concerned about anything other than herself, didn’t quite understand his indifference to the creatures who surrounded him, but she supposed it must have been born of his immortal nature. Mortals simply didn’t matter to him. They were dust in the wind, but he was forever. Even so, it sickened her slightly, so she decided it was time to leave him be.

She left the mountain top, Zeus’ snores following her. “You would think there was thunder rolling,” she said coyly as she glissaded down Olympus.

“That’s it! OOOof!”

Back at his home in Thebes, Creon had just come to the answer as an Atom Pylis Miner presented him with a glowing vial of what appeared to be the same blood he took from Zeus. “He’s using the thing that saved us to destroy us! That crafty bastard!” Creon had bumped his head again, this time on the top of his door frame, and was now rubbing it gingerly.

The Atom Pylis Woman who mined it up flushed red with embarrassment.

Creon looked over at her and waved her off, “Never mind me, we need to report this back to the council. We now know where to look. We just need to get these vials of blood out of the ground and the land and seas should return to normal.”

Finally, Thebes’ hope had been reignited.

Entry #4
A Day In Ancient Greece – Part 7 Defeating Gorgon’s Shade
Short Story by Fatteus “Fatty” Thorsson

An unnatural dawn had come, blood red and hot. The inscrutable heat haze left all feeling dizzy. Creon and Aegeus went down the line of volunteers from the ranks of Atom Pylis. They all stood at attention; their faces impossible to read because they were all covered by black visors. The troops of Hades itself, they seemed.

“Troops, do you know what we must do?” Creon barked in military drill sergeant fashion.

The column did not answer, but they all knew.

“Dig up those vials of blood. If my vision is anything to go off of, there should be two more.” He held up a vial of the living blue liquid that sparkled in the day’s new light. The awe and reverence were palpable though it was unheard. The soldiers all saluted and took out their Finders, fantastic machines that could deploy mining probes into the ground that exploded and marked where any resources might be found and extracted. They fanned out in every direction, the ground shook with every probe dropped until they were thousands of meters away.

“I sure hope they find the other two, and that your vision was correct, Archon.” Aegeus confided in Creon.

“If the count of blood vials is off or we don’t find them all in time, we’re doomed even if we try.” Creon returned with a sigh.

“But we can die heroes for having tried anyway.” Aegeus said back confidently.

“You speak the truth, Aegeus.” Creon replied.

“Archon! Elder!” A panicked soldier, his black visor shattered, revealing the terror in his eye came skidding back to them moments later.

“What is it, soldier!” Aegeus said before Creon could.

“The Shade of Gorgon! She’s wading through our forces like a Hippo through water! She’s tearing us apart out there!”

Creon’s eyes grew wide with both fear and anger. “What?!”

Just then a body was thrown at them, nearly bowling the two over and the Shade of Gorgon slithered into view from over a hill.

“Delicious. Flesh is so much juicier than stone, wouldn’t you agree?”

Creon, who had become skilled in Mindforce before he came to Ancient Greece, had a hand lifted over his own head, and it was pulsating with energy ready to strike. “Cursed Shade! What is the meaning of this?!”

“Oh, so feisty,” the Shade cooed playfully. “I’ll savor you as well, Archon of Thebes. Daddy Zeus sent me to deal with you personally. Your toy soldiers were no match for me. Don’t be afraid, I won’t turn you to stone like I did to some of the others.”

Creon released a volley of energy attacks at her that she dodged with perfect, reptilian reflexes, joy showing in her evil features as she drew closer. And closer. And closer.

“You are certainly a fun one, Creon. I knew I’d enjoy this. But I wonder if I should finish you off now or kill your lovely daughter first and make you watch.” With that, Gorgon’s Shade cackled and trampled over Creon and Aegeus heading straight into town.

“No! Please, no!” Creon cried out in vain as Gorgon’s Shade disappeared between buildings and streets. Then, a moment later there was the shriek of a woman. “No…” Creon said as he collapsed, all will to live taken from him. It was all for nothing now. His wife was long gone, his daughter, whom he had fought so hard to save, must be dead now as well. But then.

Pffflumpfh! The body of Gorgon’s Shade had fallen right in front of him as though it were tossed like a toy to his feet. A look of shock and horror was ingrained in the grotesque visage.

“A-Ath-Thena…” it croaked and then it passed out.

“What?” Creon asked and then for answer, a brilliant light shone and there was an armored maiden in his midst. This could only be Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Defender of truth. Thebes had been founded by her long ago, the reason many of her statues stood erect here. The Temple, though not there to honor her directly, honored her mother Metis, who it is believed was eaten by Zeus and birthed Athena inside him. Athena then escaped Zeus by bursting out of his forehead, but that’s a tale for another time. Right now, we have a Goddess to attend to.

“Creon, Archon of Thebes.” Her voice was like sweet flute music wafting on a warm spring breeze, yet it carried authority. Creon wept openly as he kneeled before her. He had never seen Athena, or any other Deity other than Zeus, but he held out faith that they were watching over Thebes.

“Do not weep, Creon. Your child is unharmed, and I am here to right many wrongs. Yes, it was I who sent you your vision of the three lights under the Earth. It was I who guided that young miner to find the first vial. Most of your miners are also unharmed, though some need attending to. My medicinal arts should restore them and strengthen them.”

“Goddess Athena. We are humbled and unworthy.” Aegeus began to say when Athena held up her palm in a motion that commanded that he let her speak.

“Zeus has done a heinous thing by polluting this land in hopes of eradicating all Humans. He thinks nothing of mortals or their contributions. See now that Gorgon’s Shade has sunk back into the Earth and has gone into hiding. She doesn’t know but I have already figured out her riddle. She intended on confusing and delaying you with it.”

“Riddle?” Creon said dumbfound.

“Here,” Athena said and tossed him a scroll of silk parchments. “You’ll find a list of all the things you need to call forth the Gorgon’s Shade to defeat her once and for all.”

Creon read the parchments, on them were three different paths, a path of The Book of The Gorgon’s Shade, a path of The Gem of The Gorgon’s Shade, and a path of The Elixir of The Gorgon’s Shade. Creon wiped his brow. “But even if we could get all this stuff, it would take days! Surely this world won’t last two more!”

“Indeed. Your assessment is correct. This world will not last two days more. But you have hope. You have a small army to assist you.

Creon smashed his palm into his forehead. “Right, I don’t know what I am saying. Of course, you know the answers, my Goddess. But why help us? What is in it for you?”

“First, I love this land. I helped to found this city behind us. And last, look at the path of The Book of Gorgon’s Shade. I do believe I may be able to get a Temple of my own out of this deal, wouldst you agree?”

Aegeus beamed. “Yes, of course! It’s high time Athena gets her own temple!”

Athena nodded and smiled. “Gather your warriors and set them on these tasks. We should have all three by the end of day today. We can attack Gorgon’s Shade and her Twin, the original Gorgon, at dawn tomorrow. We have 20 hours.”

The work was furious, all Atom Pylis, Creon, and Aegeus were tireless in their pursuit of summoning and killing the Gorgons. They received the Book and the Gem easily. They still looked for the Blood, but it had eluded them thus far. Creon approached Athena, who’s brilliant guidance made all of this possible.

“Your Majesty,” Creon said, and Athena perked up in his direction, “to get the Elixir of Gorgon’s Shade, it says we have to kill Zeus.”

“Is that a problem?” Athena said tersely, yet Creon felt that this wasn’t exactly all directed at him.

“Well, uh, he’s a God.”

“Let me tell you something about Gods, young Creon.” Athena said with the authority that scholars have when they know what they are talking about. “Gods may not be able to be killed, but they can be bested. Zeus has yet to be bested, and I have a feeling it’s about time he has. This will make Zeus fear you and he will leave you alone for the rest of eternity.”

Creon didn’t know what to say, he was dumbstruck yet again. “I don’t have the power to best Zeus, your majesty. Do you?”

Athena giggled. “Well, I did best him once as a baby, but I’m a Goddess. He needs to fear YOU, not me.”

“Does anyone here think they can beat Zeus?” Aegeus called out, partly in jest. He didn’t expect that anyone would answer.

“I do.” A warrior stood next to them. They were covered and visored. They crossed their arms obstinately.

“Well, ok, you show him then!”

“I will.” And that was all they said before vanishing.

“Who was that?” Aegeus asked Creon.

“I’m not sure… Our prayers go with them, though.”

“Indeed,” Aegeus agreed and went back to work. “You should probably follow them, though. Make sure they don’t get in over their heads.”

“Good idea,” Creon responded and went in the direction he thought the mystery warrior went.

It wasn’t that long before he found them jumping from cliff top to cliff top. “I’m going to have to meet this one at Olympus. No way I’m following that path.” Creon said under his breath as he made what he felt was the most direct route to the God’s Mountain.

It was night now. The Moon shone in the darkening sky and wisps of cloud drifted past it. The bugs were not chirruping anymore. They either died or went dormant since there was no edible vegetation anywhere to be found. Everything from the ground to the dead grass was cracking under Creon’s hurried steps.

On Olympus, Zeus was snoozing again, enjoying the quiet of a dying world. Then he had to scratch something that felt like a bee sting. He reached back and rubbed the area. It was hot and wet. He sat up suddenly and spun around in his nimbus. He saw a dark form standing 100 meters away black against the deep blue, star studded night sky. A fury was building within him, and electricity started sparking around him.

“Who are you, and how dare you shoot at me?” Zeus spoke calmly, but it only belied the storm brewing in his mind.

“The dark figure said nothing but released several more shots into Zeus. Each one stung more than the last and blue fluid began draining all over his body. Beginning to panic a little at the thought that someone was dumb/fearless enough to try and kill him, Zeus eschewed further discussion and posturing and let loose a volley of his own. Bolt after bolt hit his assailant, who shook as the shock registered with them.

“Oooooh, yeah. Harder, daddy…” The voice came back, a voice that actually sent a shiver down Zeus’ spine. The Assailant took out a box or sorts, opened it, and a light emitted from it, saturating his form with light. The figure groaned with delight. “All better. Now die.”

Many more shots came from his weapon. Some kind of blunderbuss was Zeus’ best guess, but there were no bullets. Just light. Light that dug into his pale gray skin and opened him up. The loss of his precious blood, the blood that had saved Thebes and was to doom Thebes to death, began to make him dizzy. He threw several more bolts of hot lightning at his assassin, but they all went errant. “Damn it,” Zeus thought, “I can’t aim. Can’t think. Is this the end for me? No! I am immortal!” He burst back to life and aimed one more well aimed shot, but that was deflected somehow by his assassin.

The assassin was now right next to Zeus and was whispering in his ear, “Bye bye, Zeusie.” with that another shot was sent directly to his skull. He hadn’t felt pain like this since Athena burst out of him all those millennia ago. Athena. Damn her. She had something to do with this. All faded to black. Zeus awoke sometime later, sweating profusely and babbling to himself, a blubbering mess.

“Huh? Wha? Who? Get away from me! No! No more! I’ll leave you alone! I swear! Just don’t attack me again!”

The assassin walked away confidently. When they were far enough away that Zeus couldn’t hear them, they smiled under their visor. “All in a day’s work.”

Creon couldn’t believe his eyes. Never in his lifetime did he expect to see anyone take on Zeus and live to tell the tale. He intercepted the hunter. “Hold on, wait. Who- Who are you?”

The Hunter turned their head to him, without stopping, and said, “Call me God Slayer.” With that, they vanished into the night, leaving Creon in their dust.

After a minute or two standing in his disbelief, Creon shook his head and smiled. “Well, damn. We did it.”

In the ensuing day, the warriors joined together at Gorgon’s Lair. They had to bring down the Gorgons, their final obstacle, to get the last vials of blood out of the ground without being impeded. Some miners went off to find them while the hunters distracted the Gorgons just to be as efficient as possible. Athena stood at the entrance like a guardian angel.

“Ok. We’re ready. We have the Book, the Gem, and the Elixir.” Creon listed as he pointed to each on the mystical parchments.

“Very good. You let me take care of the summoning. We have a couple Gorgons to defeat.” Aegeus said taking the items. As soon as he took them, a legion of Daudomurs burst from the crust underneath them as though they had been laying in wait. The hunters made quick work of them, suffering few casualties. Then they heard it.

A sibilant laugh/hiss emitted from around them. “Oh, poor, lost souls. Did you lose your way?” one voice said, then another, slightly different voice came from another direction. “It’s too late to turn back. You killed our pets. Now we’re going to avenge them.”

Two Gorgons crawled up from what seemed like the pits of Hades, erupting from the dead swamp floor. The Shade released a malodorous barrage of poisonous gasses that choked everyone. Her Original twin, regular Gorgon, was clawing at everyone around her. “Get out of my home, intruders!”

The mysterious assassin of Zeus stepped up and put a hand on Creon, who was using his mindforce powers to repel the two Gorgons, and simply said, “I got this.” They began shooting their amazing weapon, blazing light emitting from it tore into the Gorgon Twins’ flesh and they writhed in agony. Everyone was emboldened then and all began shooting, hacking, slashing, and bashing until both Gorgons were inevitably laying in a new marsh, one of their own blood. They would return again once everyone was gone and began weeping in one another’s arms.

“I’m so sorry, I let you die.” Gorgon blubbered into her twin’s breast. “I don’t know if I am glad we’re immortal or wish we had died. They’ll be back one day, and we’ll have to suffer again.”

Gorgon’s Shade nodded apathetically. “You’re right, but we can’t think of that now. Let’s just wait and see.” She also heard that Zeus had been turned into a blithering wreck by the Atom Pylis Hunters as well. They would get their revenge somehow. Maybe not now, but some day. The mortals would pay.

The End.

Entry #5
A Day In Ancient Greece – Part 8 Enter Sebastian
Short Story by Fatteus “Fatty” Thorsson

“It’s a fine day to be on the run, isn’t it, Dr. Kylon?” Sebastian said happily as he bobbed through the jungle on his way to Orpheus Cave. Behind him sounds of pursuers could be heard, Bounty hunters who had found Sebastian digging up the body of a man near Tanzanite View were hot on his heels. They had been told any Papoo that becomes a menace to Human society is fair game. “We’ll have to shake these simpletons first, though, won’t we?”

Sebastian ducked behind some jungle bushes and a strange pillar and allowed the bounty hunters to pass by. After he was sure they had passed, he took out a skull that still had some scalp with blonde hair stuck to it. “Close call, eh, Dr?” Sebastian moved his shades and wiped a tear from his eyes. He recalled his tragic last meeting with Dr. Kylon. The man seemed happy to see him, but Sebastian was in a towering rage at the time and didn’t notice in the heat of the moment. But now the images returned to him, and they were terrifyingly real.

Sebastian needed to get out of dodge. He needed to escape from Next Island with what was left of Dr. Kylon. He heard of a magical door that can take you to another world and another time in Orpheus Cave and thought this would be the perfect chance for him to start a new life. So, here he was at the yawning entrance to Orpheus Cave. As he entered, the world began to spin and there was a tremor, but it quickly passed, and he found himself in a large room with a stone disc in the center with the face of a Greek Goddess on it.

“So, this is the door to Ancient Greece. I bet you didn’t think you’d ever get to see this place, eh, Doc?”

Seb stepped on the stone disc and squinched his eyes shut. He felt himself getting lifted into the air and a falling sensation, then he gently touched the ground again. He opened his eyes and was still in a cave. He felt a little let down.

“Well, that was disappointing. Looks like we didn’t go anywhere at all. Huh…” He skulked over to the cave entrance and stepped into the blinding light. It took a minute for his eyes to adjust even after such a short time in the cavern, but when they did, his jaw hit the floor. This was not Next Island in the slightest. There was a harbor with Greek Ships, a town made of white marble, rolling hills with whimsical trees. Gone were the jungles and the spaceships of his home. He jumped in the air and kicked his heels together. “Woohoo! We did it!”

He continued to cheer as he ran down to the landing at the harbor. The sailors doing their daily chores looked at him curiously. They had never seen a monkey before, let alone a Papoo, let alone one wearing shades and a ball cap. Realizing this, Sebastian quickly dove for cover and made his way inland.

It truly was a marvelous place. The verdant hills and cliffs, the delicate trees, the blue sea with its white foam. Everything was overwhelmingly beautiful to Sebastian. “Are you seeing this, doc? Such a pristine and nearly untouched state!”

He roamed the land for a while until he grew tired. He sat on a rock and admired the scenery while he broke out his dinner, some paplon and bread. He munched on the sweet Paplon and smiled, his mouth full of juicy fruit. Kylon’s skull was set next to him, and at least to Seb, it seemed to be grinning as well.

Suddenly, there was the sound of trampling hooves. Thukka-thukka-thukka-thukka. Then, around a corner of a nearby cliff, a strange beast appeared. It was a horse, but with the upper body of a man. The creature grimaced when it saw the strange guest on its land, then it tamped the ground with its front-right hoof. Sebastian was stunned at what he was seeing. He thought he heard myths about such things as centaurs, but never thought they could be real.

The centaur snorted out of its nose like a horse would, which seemed silly to Sebastian since it had a man’s head and nose. Then it did something Sebastian probably should have anticipated. It charged. When it got to Sebastian, it reared up and kicked at him, but thankfully it missed. In frustration, it instead kicked Dr. Kylon’s skull off the rock perch it was sitting on and sent it flying.

“Nooo!” Sebastian cried out reaching for the skull, but it had already slipped through his outstretched fingers and fallen off the top of the cliff they were on and down into the sand below. He scurried to get it, anger at the centaur quickly being replaced by fear of losing his friend again. Then the centaur blew a horn and more centaur began to surround him. He had to run.

Sebastian made a mad dash back to Orpheus Cave, leaving behind his friend. By the time he reached the cave, he had lost the centaur. He wept loudly into his arm as he leaned on the entrance to the cave. It would seem that even this place was not safe for a poor little Papoo like himself. He had lost his friend again today, maybe for the last time. Sebastian went back to Next Island, to his own world, and remained at his hidden base near Papoo Village. It is said that the skull of Dr. Kylon is still in Ancient Greece and it still gets kicked around to this day.

Isme’s Journey
Multiple submissions entries 39 and 40

Isme’s Journal #39

I did it! I hunted some red papoo! Those things are so tough! Those must be Sebastian’s heavy artillery.
I took down 6 of them in a row! Just to be clear to my future self when I read this, that was 6 separate consecutive fights, NOT 6 concurrent ones!

It was brutal! Thankfully, not sloppy like yesterday. But it could have been smoother for sure! I even got one, nearly perfect, red pelt. I will send that to the tannery. The other pelts were a bit cut up and maybe, sort of mostly partially mangled. OR maybe its more correct to say that they were perfect in the places where they were only slightly not entirely mangled beyond all recognition. So I cut some of the longest fur off of the better pieces and I am putting it on a piece of card stock. So when I meet with the fashion buyer from Calypso I can show her a color sample at least.

And I do need to get it ready pretty quickly. She said she can meet up with me in about a week. She will message me later today with the exact day and time.

I am super excited for that! Happy Happy Isme!

Since I came in early from hunting today to heal my cuts and check my messages, I think I will spend a few with my pulse unit and then mount up that fur. I think a I will take a nice hot shower too.

A nice hot meal sounds good as well.

Tomorrow I think I will warm up and then try the red papoo again. I can always go back to the other papoo or the piglets if I get too beaten up and need a break.

Hmm, I think before bed tonight I will just pile up my drawings and the fur sample. And that nice yellow papoo hide I just got back. Good idea Isme! Now go to bed!

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #40

I am off to a slow start this morning. Ugh Its 8:30am and I am still in bed. I wonder when the meeting will be with, oh why can’t I remember her name. Then meeting is going to be soon. Next week some time she said. So I better learn her name. It started with an M. I think it was Mary, no, Malinda? no.
OH I know! It is Miranda!! Miranda Farthings-gate. I remember it now. Farthings-gate made me think fashion plate.

I should check my messages and see if she has written me back yet.

Ugh I am writing this in a panic waiting for my last design to reprint. I checked my messages and plans had changed! She got called to another meeting. SO she moved other things around and she will be on NEXT ISLAND in 2 hours!

I threw on some clothes, took them off and threw on better ones. Crumpled one of my drawings and then had to reprint it. She is meeting me at 10:30 at that shopping center on Crystal peak.
Yes, the printer is nearly done. I am off to meet Miranda!

Oh. Wow.

WHAT a meeting!

I made it on time by fractions of a second! I would have been reasonably early but the televators on this planet hate me! The one at Crystal Peak was down AGAIN! Those stairs! Those horrible horrible stairs!

I ran all the way up! Miranda was very kind but talked and moved and even ate super fast! I did my best to keep up.

Yes she wanted to buy my designs. Yes she wanted to buy papoo pelts from me too if possible. Not exclusively because she felt demand would be too much for a single person. But I would first line all the time. The red fur would be perfect for the fur fringed bikini top. The Grey and brown pelts would make excellent slipper colors. Could I design more fringe-y shirts? Could tusks be made into bracelets?

When she finally took a breath she used a standard design buy contract. I read it carefully then liking What I saw. I signed it. She signed it too!

Now I am set! I am still sitting in the cafe on top of Crystal Peak. I have been sitting here for awhile enjoying my success. Miranda is gone. I have a big check coming. Everything is wonderful! I just have to get the courage back up to go down the stairs!

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Avatar: NAkor of Boreft
Lore submission for october.

Part 1
After Halkyone had told his story, I was both relieved and confused. I was relieved that Berenice was not cheating on Alexandros, her husband. I was also very confused by hearing the name Daniel again. A painter, again! And Daniel had told Halkyone to move back to Cyzicus when he was gone! And to go live in this house he painted! I was confused to the point of being dumbstruck and I think it showed on my face. Both Berenice and Halkyone looked at me with big worried eyes. When I got my thought sorted out, I asked Halkyone if Danel had painted a harbor. Halkyone looked surprised and told me that yes, Daniel had, in fact, painted a harbor. Halkyone said he was surprised by me asking that, because, as far, as he knew, Daniel had never shown that painting to anyone but him. It hung in his bedroom and he thought it was a mess. If I wanted to see it, I could. Halkyone also asked how I knew of that painting.

I couldn’t tell him the truth, of course. So I told him I had picked up a rumor in Thebes that a famous painter from Sparta had made a painting of the harbor there, but nobody had ever seen it. I told him, I was always fascinated by harbors and fleets of ships and would love to see it if I could. That part was true. The reflections of the sun’s rays in the waters in Ancient Greece is one of my favorite sights in the whole universe. I was very curious to see if this painting looked anything like the one Lady Fri had.

Halkyone stood up and led e upstairs to his bedroom to show me the painting. When I saw it, I was shocked! And part of me expected this all along. It looked exactly the same as Lady Fri’s painting!! It was definitely Thebes’ harbor with a warship in it. On closer inspection, I thought I did see a small difference. The warship had sails with a red emblem. I thought The ship in Lady Fri’s painting had a green emblem.

Part 2
After seeing the painting of the harbor Daniel had made, was left with more questions. Questions I knew I wouldn’t get answers to here. So I thanked Berenice and Halkyone and went to sleep for the night. The next morning I felt well-rested and I felt good about going back to Thebes. First, I needed to check up on Chloe. To see how she was doing. Chloe was awake and very frustrated that she couldn’t use her arm. Such a spirited young woman! I told her the world would survive her not killing Achelous for a few weeks, but she only looked more frustrated and angry after I said it. Quickly I told her, I would find some hunters to kill at least 100 every day for the next few weeks. That seemed to give her some comfort. I told her I would be going to Thebes and if there was anything she wanted me to tell her father. Chloe’s cheeks flushed red and he raised her broken arm with her other arm. “Please don’t tell him anything about what happened to me. Just tell him I like it here and that I’m doing fine. Oh, and that I miss him and Thebes, of course!” I told her I would do as she asked and that I agreed it would be best not to upset Alexandros, but on two conditions. She should not go out and fight the Achelous until he was fully recovered. And she should not go fight them alone. Fighters should always have an exit plan. Just in case anything goes wrong. Didn’t Daniel teach her that? He hadn’t. So I told Chloe that the best hunters have different armor sets, different weapons, healing devices, and vehicles for a quick retreat, and even then, they often hunt in teams.

Part 3
After I told Chloe this, she looked a bit confused. I told her I would come back in a month and explain this to her more. Leaving her a bit uncertain of herself seemed like a good assurance to not go out hunting Achelous on her own again. After telling Berenice and Halkyone goodbye, I left for Thebes. I could, of course, take the teleporter and be there in seconds, but I decided to swim and walk instead. The weather here in Ancient Greece is always nice and the water is always an excellent temperature for swimming. I decided to go south to a bit beyond Pergamon and then head west and swim to Thebes from there. This is not completely unfamiliar terrain for me and for travelers of the universe, this isn’t that big of a distance. After only a few minutes of walking, I encountered Achelous. Not a surprise. This is about where I saw Chloe fight them. But now I did start to wonder. Chloe was hunting these because Daniel trained her. In Thebes first and later, here. Daniel who also told Halkyone to move here after he was gone? I did not know if that was the same Daniel for sure but I do remember the Haruspex also asking me to hunt Achelous for them! 500 a week if I remembered correctly. Coincidence, maybe, but I got a strong suspicion there was something I didn’t see yet. But what?! My conviction that Daniel was a Haruspex, A Haruspex elder to be precise was stronger than it had been. I knew I had to find Daniel o get definitive answers. If I got them from him. If making Chloe hunt Achelous had been his plan from the start, this all showed he was a master at planning things. How had he done this? And very important, why?

Part 4
A bit further south, I saw some women walking around. Short spears at the ready. I recognized them as Myrinians. The monstrous versions of the nobble Amazons. Whereas the Amazons were fierce warrior women that only fought for the defense of others. Myrinians are blood thirsty monsters that attacked everything that is not one of them. If one e you, they all run towards you and attack. I always thought it best to avoid them, as I always do. I decided to stay at a safe distance and observe them first. Before attempting to cross their territory. As I observed their walking patterns, I thought of something. Instead of random movements, it looked almost as f they were walking patterns at random intervals. As if the were guarding something! I had never heard of Myrinians guarding something from any hunter, so I dismissed it as my imagination, but still…

After about alf an hour, I had seen the furthest they walked, so I could safely navigate around them. I knew a more difficult part of my trip was still ahead of me, but for now, I was safe at Pergamon. Pergamon, quiet and safe as it was now, Has been the place of some of the biggest battles in all of the universe. Well do most of us remember the army of Bonnie gathering here from all over the universe to fight the forces of evil here. My heart still beats quicker, thinking back to that time. All of those heroes, all of those ships. The fields here were littered with tat assembling army. And ten te onlaugth began. Wave after wave of enormous monsters came. And quick as they came here. They were mowed down by that army. Was that what the Haruspex elder meant when he said something had gone wrong with Ancient Greece? Was this what Daniel tried to prevent from happening again?

Part 5
About an hour later I saw them Hoof tracks! I knew I had come to the most dangerous part of my journey. Those hoof marks could only mean one thing. Centaurs! When the Haruspex made Ancient Greece they could have focused more on the positive side of ancient earth mythology they used to base t on. Centaurs in ancient earth mythology are fierce warriors, but Centaurs are also known for their wisdom. In Ancient Greece, Centaurs are definitely fierce warriors! If they are wise. I think nobody knows. They are incredibly fast, with their horse-like bodies, and jump very impressive distances. I started walking west-southwest from here. It went much faster and easier than I had expected. One time only, I saw a centaur in the distance and I was easily able to sneak past it. When I reached the water, I knew the rest of the journey would be easy.

From here on to Thebes, I did not expect to see anyone or any monster. I knew there was a shipwreck nearby that was guarded by sharks, but that was a fair bit to the north from here. It was a long, long swim, but the weather here is always great and I enjoy some solitude. The swim gave me time to think back on this whole adventure. I remembered meeting Alexandros for the first time only a month ago. “Hello, stranger, you caught me at my break. Grab a chair and let me tell you my story.” those words had been the beginning of a real friendship. And look what it had taught me. I had become a Haruspex VIP, learned a lot about Ancient Greece, and met interesting people like |Chloe, Berenice, and Halkyone. A sense of peace came over me as I swam in these gorgeously blue waters. O{n my left I saw an island with some huge Cyclopses on it. But they were far of and no threat to me. Next, I saw a rowboat with a man in it. I know I should have been very surprised, but for some reason, I wasn’t. It just made perfect sense that there ws a man in a rowboat in the ocean. He had something in the rowboat with him and when I got closer, I saw that it was an easel! The man stood up, turned around, and said “Hello Nakor, I am Daniel and I heard you wanted to meet me”.

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A Next Island Love Story by Pope L’Brung

Book 7, Chapter 1

My dear readers, I would love to tell the story of my bravery - about how I swam in shark-infested waters beneath Resa Docks to help assemble the Continuum Transfunctioner. I wish I could regale the tale of how I conquered my biggest fear and completed the mission with feelings of pride and glory.

The truth is…I hid in a sleipnir. My teammate, PK, had to complete this task by himself. I am terrified of sharks.

PK combined the blue, red, and yellow electronic items we found hidden around the docks. They created a larger item called a Continuum Transfunctioner, a mysterious and powerful artifact. PK returned from beneath the docks and handed the strange item to me.

As soon as I touched it, I sensed a message in my head - a warning. I cannot return this to the N.E.O., they will use it to further their own ends, and that may displace the Haruspex! Portal travel must be done responsibly and carefully.

I told PK that we shouldn’t return this item to the N.E.O. but instead take it to the Haruspex Elder for advice. I couldn’t fully explain why, but I just ‘sensed’ it. He teased me about hiding from the sharks, but agreed with my suggestion.

We both hurried to the Resa Docks teleportation portal and I’ll confess - I was happy to be away from this place. As we began to telport from Resa Docks to Tanzanite View, I held the strange new item in my hands. Again, I had an inner sensation. The power of this artifact is exceeded only by its mystery and strangely its mystery is exceeded only by its power.

We arrived at Tanzanite View and walked along the grassy knoll up toward the Haruspex Elder. The Elder appeared in front of us. We were greeted with a feeling of suprise and mild joy.

Book 7, Chapter 2

“Hello, human friends,” spoke the Elder. “What brings you our way? Did you learn the way of the New Elysian Order, or did they elude you?”

“We found them, Elder,” I replied. “They are not evil, but they are no less selfish and arrogant for it. They sent us to find this.” I held the strange Coninuum Transfunctioner item up in front of the Elder.

“Oh dear friend, this is truly a gift.” The Elder continued, “The Demera sent its minion Resa to remove this device from our portal chamber, and they managed to grab it. It is a mysterious and powerful device. We feared it lost or destroyed. But why did you not return this item to the Order, as requested by them?”

PK nodded and gave me a look of approval. I knew it was best to bring the item to the Elder instead of taking it to the N.E.O.

I confidently answered the Elder as to why we didn’t return the item to the New Elysian Order. “That future is not what we need, Elder. Citizens of this planet must coexist, must defend each other, and must develop together to thrive. We cannot allow the N.E.O., as powerful and well intended as they are, to impose their will on other races. This cannot be allowed.” I felt confident and brave in my response to the Elder, although I wasn’t quite sure where this confidence came from.

I trusted the Haruspex. Of course I wanted to find Jihkanna, but I felt a connection with the Haruspex faction. The Elder seemed caring, wise, and compassionate toward civility. I think we did the right thing.

“Your faithfulness, wisdom, and integrity do you credit, humans,” the Elder replied. “We will strive for many of your year to continue to demonstrate our gratitude for your choices.”

Ahhh, a sense of relief. We had completed the mission that we intitally set out to accomplish. We had earned the trust of the Haruspex.

Book 7, Chapter 3

I was beaming and full of pride. PK and I had completed our mission. I came to Next Island seeking love and PK had come seeking time travel. The Haruspex agreed to help both of us with our quests if we could earn their trust.

We now stood before the Haruspex Elder. We had returned an important device to them - something called a Continuum Transfunctioner. I suspected it had something to do with time travel technology. The Elder expressed gratitude toward us and confirmed that we had gained the trust of the Haruspex.

PK smiled and gave me a pat on the back.

The Elder then spoke again. “However, in full irony, I must ask that you deceive now. Deceive the Order for us. Deceive them for all of this planet’s hope. We will give you a false copy of the Continuum Trasnfunctioner to deliver to the N.E.O.”

With risk of sounding cynical, I should have seen this coming. Our quest was NOT over. Once again, we were asked to complete another task, or link, in an ongoing mission chain. Sigh.

The Elder went on to explain that the New Elysian Order wanted to reverse engineer the Continnum Transfunctioner and that they could possibly destroy the planet while trying. He wanted us to give the N.E.O. a fake device to distract them until their true motives were known.

“The risk to you is great, but we ask that you undertake this task, this noble quest, for our future, and the future of you people on our home. Will you do this? Will you embrace this planet as your home, and help save it from zealots?”

The stakes had increased. This mission now seemed to be about something much bigger than finding a girl, or learning the secret of time travel for personal riches. This mission involved helping save an entire planet.

Book 7, Chapter 4

PK and I had been on Next Island for a few days now. We had travelled across the planet meeting various people and performing various tasks. We encoutered contacts that were helpful and some that were hostile. The pressure was rising on the importance of these tasks.

The N.E.O. had sent us on a mission to help find a lost scout. We were unable to find the scout but we did find what the scout was looking for - an item called a Continuum Transfunctioner. Rather than return the item to the Order, we opted to bring it to the Haruspex Elder. We were thanked and rewarded with trust but now were being asked to perform another task. We were being asked to deceive the Order and return a fake device to them. We were informed that the safety of the entire planet, and its people, were at stake.

We agreed.

The Elder finished the conversation with us. “Then go with our graces, warriors. Return here when you are finished, should you both live. We will greet you as members of our circle.”

PK and I walked back to the teleportation portal at Tanzanite View. We were asked to deliver a fake copy of the Continuum Transfunctioner to our N.E.O. contact. I asked him if he was comfortable with this mission.

“I’m in if you’re in, kid.” he replied.

Of course I was in, but I did feel a slight call of conscience. Was this the right thing to do? Was deception the best strategy?

We teleported to Flash Point to meet the N.E.O. guards that originally asked us to help them. They had been a bit cheeky with us when we first met them but relaxed and eventually asked for our assistance.

Now we were meeting with them again to deceive them. I was unsure of what to expect.

Book 7, Chapter 5

We walked into the building next to the Flash Point teleportation portal. I recognised the place from when we were here before.

We spotted the N.E.O. guard that we spoke with last time. PK and I approached her and greeted her. She was shocked to discover that we were still alive. I shuddered thinking about the sharks.

After a brief discussion (without much pleasantries) we informed her that we didn’t find the scout but we did find a strange item. I tried to conceal my nervousness as I handed her the fake device.

“What is thing for?” I slyly asked, trying to gain information.

“Oh, you would not understand. Do not try and contemplate its mysteries too long. You might damage whatever minimal analytical capabilities you do possess,” she replied.

Again with the cheeky insults.

To our relief, she accepted the forgery and then rewarded us with a rare blueprint that gave instructions on how to craft a piece of Arcticus armor. PK tucked the blueprint away in his backpack.

No hostility. No guns drawn. This actually went pretty smooth.

I whispered to PK, “Let’s get out of here before she asks us to do another task.”

We quickly exited the building and stepped on the teleportation portal to return to Tanzanite View.

Once at Tanzanite View, PK and I again approached the Haruspex Elder. We informed him that our ruse at Flash Point was successful. A sense of pride and accomplishment filled us both. The Elder expressed joy that we survived and gratitude that we completed the mission.

The Elder confirmed the existence of a time-travel portal and shared its location with us. PK’s eyes widened as the Elder spoke of its possibilities.

The Elder also granted us titles of Haruspex Ambassadors. He then concluded with, “Go in peace, dear friends. The path before you is set but needs your footstep upon it.”

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Character Name: Dalia Vivian

Month: October

5 Lore Submissions:

Entry #31

– “Didn’t I tell you to go home?”, that’s what I heard him say while he knocked me out. – said the guard.

– He could have meant that he was going to take the Kraka back home! – I explained.

After all, I couldn’t tell them that the man was talking to me, nor that we’d met before. They weren’t happy about the incident, so if they knew what I talked to the man I could end up in trouble. What was I thinking?

In fact, I didn’t have much time to think! Major Hoffman had asked one of the guards to give me a ride to Flash Point. We came in the same stolen flying vehicle, the Kraka. In the outpost, of course, we found waiting for us the same grumpy soldier who had been assigned there. But we had just landed when I heard a noise as if something had fallen to the ground, or in this case, someone, as I came to realize that it was that rude soldier. Someone had attacked him by surprise. The same person that seconds later was in front of me knocking out the guard who was accompanying me. And it was none other than the same man I had had met before in the Screechers’ cave!

– That stupid Stel, attacking us from behind! Coward! If I catch him… – complained the angry soldier.

– But why didn’t he do anything to you, Dalia? What did he tell you? – asked the guard.

– Maybe he realized I wasn’t a threat. He said to me: “Get away! You shouldn’t be with something that doesn’t belong to you!”. And he got in the vehicle and drove away.

– Maybe you’re right. After all, he was just recovering something that belonged to him.

I wasn’t going to contradict them, although before entering the Kraka the man had told me that its real owner was a colleague who begged him for help when he learned it had ended up in NEO territory.

Well, I think I’ve had enough rest. Now I must go, I still have a long way to go to Tanzanite!

Entry #32

I’m almost there! I’m in Fenster Landing and there’s a small haruspex building here, where I decided to spend the night. So I can stop for a while and reevaluate my decisions one last time.

Tomorrow I will be entering Tanzanite again. I can’t let myself be confused like the last time. But I need to go: I know I can learn a lot there!

Should I be scared? I mean, I think if I was it would be a normal thing! “Aren’t you afraid?”, was what the man asked me too. And now that I think about it, the last time I was in Tanzanite, the Elder also told me something about fear… my biggest fear!

Now, returning to haruspex territory was a thoughtful decision. But what happened today with the kraka was definitely just my impulsiveness speaking for me. “Take me with you!”, I asked the man, as he got into the vehicle. I went so suddenly that even the man seemed to be speechless and in disbelief for a while. What was I thinking? Of course, he doesn’t seem like the kind of person who walks around accompanied. Even less with someone he would surely consider a burden. In the end, the only thing he still babbled astonished was if I wasn’t afraid… I wasn’t, but I really should! Talking like that to a stranger… a soldier, and apparently a dangerous one…

What am I really afraid of? If I had to point out something, I think my only fear is getting stuck doing the same things day in day out!

In the end, it all leads me back to the same conclusion: if I want to keep exploring this place, I need to get stronger! So yes, I will go back to Tanzanite and learn everything I can there!

Entry #33

It’s all coming back at the same time: the water, the blue flowers, the Elder… I can’t believe that last time I actually spent 19 days here!!!

After writing my diary I kept thinking about what I was afraid of and what the Elder had told me the last time, and then it all started to come back. So I didn’t wait any longer, I grabbed my things and went on my way to Tanzanite, even with night falling.

When I arrived I went straight to talk to the Elder and he confirmed and explained everything!

So, the water of the small lake in Tanzanite has unusual natural properties. It seems that this is the main reason why the electronic terminals there have, over time, acquired a shape more harmonious with nature but still work perfectly well. The Elder explained that the water comes from a big underground river that has ramifications all over the planet. Long ago the Haruspex settled in the various places where these waters somehow come to the surface, not only here in several places near Tanzanite but also in the enchanted lands to the northwest. I was wondering where these lands would be. On my flight from Conq’s Rest to Flash Point I could see a large swamp to the west, after the end of NEO territory. Are these enchanted lands further west?

Anyway, this water seems to have effects on people and objects around it. That’s why the big blue flower has the “Do not touch!” sign. Of course, I thought it was just a joke, and since Frederic wanted so much for me to help him find those blue flowers…

– Dalia, do you feel all right? - He asked me.

Now I not only remember, but I also understand the puzzled look on his face after I touched that flower. Apparently most people die when they touch it… I mean, they don’t really die… they " experience death", I think that’s how they explained it, although I don’t know exactly what that means…

“It confronts you with your greatest fear!”, that’s what the Elder told me.

So that’s it. I think it’s been proven now that the idea of ​​being stuck in the same cycle every day with nothing new to do really scares me. But what is the advantage? If I couldn’t even remember what I was doing in the 19 days I spent here, what good is there?

Entry #34

Today was a new day. I think I can try to start over here, but this time I definitely won’t even go near that blue flower!

Just to be sure, I asked everyone to promise that this time they’ll let me know clearly and in full detail if anything strange happens again! They agreed and said they were glad I was back. I know they didn’t act with bad intentions. I think they really believed that what was happening must have some reason… I believed that it must have a cause or explanation and now I finally found it, but that it had a purpose I can’t accept.

Anyway, I’ll consider this topic finished and focus on all the other questions I have… like the underground river!

Now that I think about it, it reminds me of Millie’s Cave… I mean that’s not the cave name, but that’s what I call it, because Millie found it…

One day I was practicing target, shooting bottles of island beer on Crystal Bay beach, when Millie came running calling me. I rushed to go with her, and Jonas who saw us running out dropped his surfboard on the beach and followed us. She showed us what looked like a hole with water at the entrance of a small cave in the rocks, hidden by vegetation. But after we dived in it we realized that what on the outside looked like just a small puddle of water was growing into a subterranean underwater cave. And inside, what should be algae, rocks and other natural resources worked like the electronic terminals we know. There was also a skeleton there, and as soon as Jonas saw it, he quickly returned to the surface, stating that he would not go back in there. We laughed, but we ended up not telling anyone about that place, it was like a secret between the 3 of us.

That underwater cave and terminals resemble what I now know about the underground river. Maybe it’s a coincidence, or maybe it means that the haruspex haven’t located all the areas where the underground river emerges to the surface after all… I need to know more about this!

Entry #35

What do I do? What should I do now? I should go?

I know I want to go! But I need to control my impulsiveness this time. I am learning and improving. So before I go… no… before I decide whether to go, I’m thinking, evaluating and writing down my decisions.

Now that I think about it, it’s been about two months since I’ve written anything. I’ve been pretty busy training…

First, I know something like this should be reported immediately. I was just walking and still thinking about the waters of the underground river. Lately I have been visiting the several areas where the haruspex have settled near Tanzanite. It was when I saw this waterfall that reminded me of the First-Wave Settlement area which is full of water and that’s where Millie’s Cave is.

I entered the cave behind the waterfall, but everything started to spin… I thought I was going to fall! In the middle I could see a small stone platform that looked quite old. I was still struggling to hold myself when lights appeared on the platform and someone materialized right in front of me. Could that be a teleporter? It had to be. But it doesn’t look like our TPs, nor does it seem to include any kind of modern technology.

I was lost in my thoughts, but I noticed a figure approaching so I deflected it… that was only then when I looked at him… yes, it was that man again:

– Hmm! You are faster now! First time here? – he laughed.

I couldn’t even respond. The man quickly turned his back on me and headed for the terminal inside the cave and began grabbing from his storage a lot of weapons, armor, and other equipment.

– You’re persistent, aren’t you, girl? I’m starting to get worried that we’re always bumping into each other!

I was getting ready to ask a bunch of questions when he walked up to the tp and disappeared again. “See you in Ancient Greece!” was the last thing I heard!

Yeah right, I don’t know what that means… But I’ll find out! “See you in Ancient Greece!”

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Lore submission for October
Auberon Night Night
Last set of lore
5 parts

Part 31 - Building a new world

If you are still with the story thus far you would have noticed it started in a straight line then veered off and covered some seemingly unrelated parts. Well these parts are important for you to understand what comes next.

While Aeon and the others worked hard to place teleportes and map the planet in preperation for what comes next.
Meanwhile the rest of the first wavers was building on the settlement now officially named First Wave Settlement in honor of the first group of pioneers who started here and also to inspire everyone who follows to go out and create more places and make this planet home for all.

Placing teleports sounds like an easy enough job but really it is hard work. Each teleport need a source of power to be buried beneath where the teleporter will be. This power source is small and very powerful so to ensure no one can simply remove it they are placed beneath the teleporter. Also keeps it away from the sun and the wind.
After the power source has been buried and the teleporter pad placed some stairs are placed so people can easily walk onto the pads. And of course a bit of a wall around the pad to make it all look great.
So placing these would take a few days each. Hard labour under the hot sun.
After placing the power source and the pad and finishing the stairs and other surroundings the teleporter must be alligned and tested so that it correctly ties into the grid.
A few test pieces are sent through. Cylinders around 1m long with various metals and organic matter inside so that a teleport test would correctly confirm the teleport works when the item is teleported correctly with no change to its internal structure or matter.

Part 32 - Technology that makes this possible

The teleporters they were placing is referred to as planetary teleporters. They are extremely powerful and uses technology that until recently would be called science fiction to even mention.
Breaking you with armor, weapons, materials and any other carried items down into their based parts and exploding you into cosmic dust before rebuilding you based on the patterns read when dismatling you. The entire process takes mere seconds but with so much that could go wrong it is a wonder no one is accidently teleported into a sun or never rebuild after being destroyed.
Because essentially this system kills you and then brings you back to life.
And that is exactly what led to another system. The settler reconstitution system. Or revive.
Modern day settlers believe in allowing nature to be as it has always been with small towns and cities and no major farming land so that animals can roam free as they have done for ages. This does however mean that sometimes people could die.
With the teleporter technology in place some of the really smart people with thick glasses and lang white hair (just joking about scientists), realised they could revive a person with his most recent memories in tact using the memory of the teleporters. But it also meant a load on that system that would be too much. So they created the revive system.
Each revive point is merely a outlet or reconstition device. The real magic lies in the mainframe deep within the planet.
Whenever a new person enters the planet they are scanned and tracked by the system.
All items on you are constantly tracked and kept in the database.
On the moment of your death the system kicks in, reviews your data and rebuils your body and items exactly as it was it the moment of death and does so closest to where you died.
Really neat but also really scary for anyone worried about privacy.
This thing will even return the wart on your left toe. Privacy has become amyth.

Part 33 - New people

Even before the planetary teleports and the revive system there was one thing that made this planet reachable. Next Island was not found using a space ship but through the process of making a wormhole. And to stabislise this they then created what is known as an interplanetary teleporter. Though to be fair this teleporter will connect you across space, time and different dimensions as long as you have a corresponding connection point to match this one.
The first wave settlers used reached Next Island via the unstable wormhole and then build the pad to stabilise the connection.

Very few will know where it is and if you read this and come to me in the game giving me this line
“Next Island was connected to Calypso using an interplanetary teleporter that is located at (fill in the waypoint). I am here to collect the prize as named within your story for the Community Recognition Program”
Then I will give you a bumpercar.
Only 1 though so the first person wins everyone else, well to bad. Must be the right location though.

So while everyone was working hard to build a town and set teleporters, revive terminals and create everything a community would need the great big teleporter whirred to life.
No one was close to it but its hum is rather loud and carries far so everyone knew right away, someone else was coming.
A few rushed over to greet the new comers and help them settle into their new life here.
This new world that once seemed so beautiful yet so big en scary was starting to feel like home.
The new people came from another world much like this one in that it is a planet colonised by people looking for a new beginning.

Part 34 - No longer alone

With the teleporters in place and the community growing Aeon, Helen, Miranda, Arthur and a few others decided its time to go hunt again.
Early morning with the sun rising slowly, chasing the stars and the moon from the sky and bringing bright light to every corner of the planet, Aeon and the team stopped on a hill overlooking the valley full or guardians.
With a scene much like an action movie start scene they stood in a group and each equipped their armor and weapons before running down the hill.
Had the guardians been able to understand what was about to happen one may have expected them to run away but since they are seperated from Kaijun and so not guided by anything more than thjeir basic programming and ability to network between themselves they went on with their tasks.
And so was not ready for what happened next.
A team of 12 hunters began attacking them early morning with the sun still rising when the first shots was fired. Even the low level guns they all used was able to rapidly despatch the guardians due to sheer numbers. As each gurdian dropped and the remains was looted so they proceeded acros the valley cutting a wide path through the gurdians.
Aeon felt exhilarated. His previous battles here has been hard work with not insignificant injuries to himself. This time, as a group, they each took little or no damage before each guardian was taken down.
This was the power of community, of being in a team. One person alone can do only so much but a group together can do so much more and so much easier.
And so Next Island was born. A new community on a new planet with a new future.

Part 35 - Hope

Next Island was born from hope. A planet found by people who felt oppressed and had lost faith in their governments and corporations around them. People who stopped to believe the propoganda and realised the truth. That the world they live in now is a dog eat dog world where the strong thrive and the weak barely survive.
Heartbroken but unable to change this world they chose to start fresh. So they left using a fantastic device that is still the envy of many. And yet the power of this device did not corrupt them they used it simply to be able to start fresh in a new world.
And not only them found their way to this planet. Many others from various backgrounds eventually found their way here. Eventually found home even if they don’t say it. Their actions confirm it.
This planet is not a ball in space with mobs and materials, it’s a home.
Home to weirdos and freako’s and some dude with a scanner with a history we don’t talk about. This is home to people who have a romantic view of the world and their place in it. People who try to help others even when it hurts themselves.
Its also home to some people with great intentions that went wrong and created things like the guardians that are out to destroy while the original action was one born from hope.
Not every action of every person on this planet is pure. Not every outcome is good. But as a group this lot of people are an amazing bunch capable of many things.
So if you take anything from this story I hope that it is this.
Next Island is home to anyone who believes in community and hope.