2022 Reward Redemption Thread

Please post your submissions for the 2022 Cohort each month the in the thread below. Please read here for more information on the Community Recognition Program.


Avatar: Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
Category: Lore Creation
Entries #120-#124
(5 entries)
For April

Posted on: Lore Submission Thread - #25 by cat1000er Date: 1st April

Please Let me know if this is accepted before the end date, in case I need to add 5 more lore’s to cover this month, due to this lore being slightly different than usual.

(will update when the lore page gets updated)


Avatar: Dante Artorius Inferno
Category: Lore
5 entrys + epilogue ( total 6 parts )
For April…

Posted on: https://forum.nextisland.com/t/lore-submission-thread/77/27

Please Let me know if this is accepted before the end date, in case I need to add 5 more lore’s to cover this month, due to this lore being slightly different than usual.

(will update when the lore page gets updated)


Avatar: shaman synshaman lotus
Category: stream / sweat event w/ sweat buying
Entries 7 hour stream plus another 5 hours of stream / sweat event
for 12 hours of streaming with a sweat event from stream
For April ! <3

Posted on: twitch
5 hour stream w/ sweat event

7 hour stream

4 hour stream
Please Let me know if this is accepted for the hours that where streamed.

thank you <3
~Shaman Lotus~

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Avatar: Xx Purplebong xX
Category: Lore
My 5 Chapters - April submission

Posted here: Lore Submission Thread - #26 by Purplebong

Please keep me updated and let me know if these submissions are accepted.

Thank you.


Avatar: Steve StevieB Braggs
Cat: Youtube vids
Status: Links to 5 videos uploaded in late March 2022 for April 2022 submitted to this thread. Post is awaiting approval from a forum mod due to the fact I rarely use the forums. Posting this without links as a backup.

Avatar: Sarah SarahWatson Watson
Category: Lore / Streaming
Month: April
Twitch links
Lore Newsletter= 10 points
Twitch - 3 hours = 6 points
Twitch - 2 hours = 4 points
Twitch - 5 hours = 10 points

Twitch - 2 hours = 4 points (only half the stream was on NI)
Twitch - 3 hours = 6 points
Twitch - 6 hours = 12 point
Event that occurred (15 April?), a sweating event with sweat buys and giveaways, many people turned up (roughly 20) this was also streamed, the link above is the stream that it was captured on. = 15 points
Twitch - 4 hours = 8 points

Total points = 75


Avatar: Steve StevieB Braggs
Catagory: Youtube Videos (NI Links are in the descriptions)
Posted: Late March 2022; submitted for April 2022.
Total Points: 50
Note: If for ANY reason you don’t feel a video qualifies let me know immediately via in game PM as I have plenty more ready for release. (Great job on the recent changes; keep it up!)

Avatar: Mythical Razizeh Dragon
Category: Streaming
Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/razizeh
Month: April

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1448437822 (13h)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1453432569 (6h)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1455305869 (7h)

Avatar: Bob Quasher Bobby
Category: Stream (Twitch)
Twitch channel: Twitch
Month: April
did not record the first stream

  1. Twitch 3 h (sorry for the sound quality)
  2. Twitch 6h
  3. Twitch 4h
  4. Twitch 3.3h
  5. Twitch 3h
  6. Twitch 3.45h
  7. Twitch 3.2h

Avatar: Denis Snz Davidov
Categoria: stream (Trovo)
Channel; Trovo Twitch

Month: April
15.04.2020 Trovo 7 hours
16.04.2022 Twich 9 hours 53 min
16.04.2022 Trovo 9 hours 53 min
17.04.2022 Trovo 1 hours 33 min
17.04.2022 Twitch 1 hours 33 min
18.04.2022 Trovo 3 hours 32 min
18.04.2022 Twitch 3 hours 32 min
20.04.2022 Trovo 3 hours 51 min
20.04.2022 Twitch 3 hours 50 min
21.04.2022 Trovo 2 hours 55 min
21.04.2022 Twitch 2 hours 55 min
23.04.2022 Trovo 6 hours 27 min
23.04.2022 Twitch 6 hours 27 min

Hello everyone I am a traveler of the Entropia Universe world and next in line to explore Next Island


Avatar: shaman synshaman lotus
Category: stream / sweat event w/ sweat buying
Entries 10 hours of stream / sweat events

For April ! <3

Posted on: twitch
3 hour stream

5 hour stream with sweat event

Please let me know if there is any qualification issues.
Will be seeing me each month as i plan for the Full 7 Months

Avatar: FireDbugFly
Category: Streaming
Twitch channel: Twitch
Month: April

My First NI Stream - 04-03-22 - 10
Twitch - 3.0 hrs
04-05-22 - 13
Twitch - 4.5 hrs
Stream 1 - 04-07-22 - 13
Twitch - 2.5 hrs
Stream 2 - 04-07-22 - 13
Twitch - 3.0 hrs
04-09-22 - 18
Twitch - 11.25 Hours
04-16-22 - 16
Twitch - 5.0 Hours

Total 29.25 Hours

04-06-22 - 9.4 :frowning: - Streamed again to cover the time. (The effort was here just not the viewership) Twitch - 3.0 Hrs

Please let me know if there is any qualification issues.
Will be seeing me each month as i plan for the Full 7 Months


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Avatar: Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
Category: YT videos
Month: April


Avatar: Lamia Majora Pechunter
Category: Streaming ( Twitch )
Month: April
My 25hrs + an additional 14 for good measure.


Month May:

Month June:

Month July:


Full Avatar Name: WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Categories you believe you have earned points in: Event Organizer

Events done(April):

  1. 21.04 (Thursday) 18:00 - 19:00 game time
  2. 21.04 (Thursday) 20:00 - 21:00 game time
  3. 21.04 (Thursday) 22:00 - 23:00 game time
  4. 22.04 (Friday) 18:00 - 19:00 game time
  5. 22.04 (Friday) 20:00 - 21:00 game time

Thank you,
WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed

Ricardo Rick Sanchez
April 2022
Category - streamer

Total stream length 25 hours - collection link

4/19/22 stream length 04:29

4/21/22 stream length 04:37

4/23/22 stream length 10:49

4/24/22 stream length 05:11

Ava Avy-Leigh Val

April 2022
Category - Events

3 April 2022 - PFEU hunt 13 Registered Players -15
10 April 2022 - PFEU hunt 13 Registered Players - 15

Link for review PFEU Free team ***April 2022***

3 April 2022 - SSI Bought from 10 Players - 15 points
17 April 2022 - SSI bought from 7 Players - 15 Points
24 April 2022 - SSI bought from 6 Players - 15 Points

Thank you can well done on great momentum on Next Island


Avatar: Sophia Electra Sanders
Catagory: Youtube Videos
Month: April

As playlist:

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