Greetings all!
Yep, our 7 months of this trial phase of this new event is now over. For me, it’s crazy just how fast time passes, but then again, time in Entropia is subjective
Socrates Rambling:
Firstly, I’d like to give you an honest, huge thank you from me, personally, for all taking part and putting the effort you have into this program. It can be scary to come up with an entirely new style of event, especially as it is never easy to tell how it will be received by the players. I’ve felt that this has been received very well, more than I could have hoped.
I’d like to share with you some of the stats from the event (albeit, “napkin maths”) just so you can see just how much has been achieved over these months.
- Roughly 3,950 hrs worth of streaming.
- Roughly 200 YouTube videos
I couldn’t even guess exactly how many events have been run, as many of the event runners did more than what was required - but all of you will know there has been plenty to get involved in from daily sweating to the amazing Missing Emissaries - Pre Entrolympic Events 2022.
All in all, Next Island has been a true centre of activity in the Universe, and in large parts to the efforts of you all. Players can find interesting Lore, partake in events at any time and learn about anything on Next Island through a whole host of well produced video guides. Speaking of, I’d like to single out two particular creators who have made awesome series:
Morey’s Videos (just a link to channel vids…maybe @morey can make a dedicated playlist for all his NI vids?
I could write an essay on the vast amounts of streaming that has taken place, but all of you have gotten people interested in Next Island and provided endless entertainment - not least for me in the background as I work. Many of you will know I like to lurk in streams
All of this helps to support both new players to the game, and new players to NI to get involved in with missions, community and content that interests them in an informed way, which is priceless.
So once again, thank you all for taking part, and please do stay in touch with me, the community and NI - you will always be welcome. If you’d like to organise some cool events with Official support, let me know (or any other ideas you have). I’m also frequently around in the Official Next Island Discord server if you’d ever like a chat, casually or otherwise
Ascension Strider Update
If you hadn’t heard, the MA Prime Delivery of Striders has arrived, so if you are owed a Strider for the 3 consecutive months, please mention it to me when we trade and you can enjoy your very own awesome Ascension themed Strider.
Ascension Skyripper News
So, good news, bad news. Good news is that I have the Skyrippers on me, and plenty enough for all those who have qualified for them. The bad news is that it appears the model used in the live version of the item is incorrect, specifically it is using the Scavenged Skyripper model. This will be corrected so please do not worry. We hope to have this changed to the unique, Ascension model, with the next VU soon. I will still be handing these out but remember that these won’t reflect the final look until we can get it in a VU/Patch. Apologies from us on this, this was our error.
Future of the Community Recognition Program
I am very aware you are all eager to hear on our intentions as to the future of this event, and while I can’t give you anything just yet, I hope to have this done soon. I am putting in much thought and discussion with the team about this.
September Results
As usual, you know the drill! If you aren’t on the list, and expect to be - please contact me. Post-results time is very busy messages wise so I will try my best to get to you when I can.
I aim to be online tomorrow, though I will not be around Friday-Monday as I will be away. However, I will confirm some times for next week when I’m back, in the thread below.
Qualifying Players
Eve Everglades
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
Jo Johaoninho90 jo
Sev Severina Lothander
SpikE SpikE Odets
The Doctor Who
one crappy player
Northern Stray Titan
Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
Avalon Butterfly Erupter
Tomy Hayday de Burg
Alexander Sertani Garpt
Gradara Akasha Thukilar
Omega Dan Prime
Lamia Majora Pechunter
Din Dindom Dindazzle
Penelope Penny Lane
Michael Mike Masters
Kenpachi SilentCrow BlackFalcon
Vic Oskar Skaya
WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Wand AxeMurderer Silva
Kimmi Kimmi EFnet
Michal Dorki Dorcak
Ava Avy-Leigh Val
Dante Artorius Inferno
Jessica Jessie Richard
Akiyoshi HueLord3000 Hara
Mythical Razizeh Dragon
jeffy kakan andreasson
Feng Huan SecretAznMan Zho
Ekimose Desnago Born
Anatol RidRock Bondarenko
David Draxar Born
Renato U31REN Mastrorocco
bz xterminer gz
Balam Balam TheKing
Ciprian Cip13 Banescu
Nacho-Kun GamersLandPro FFersaca
Stirge Stirge Stirge
Auberon Night Night
Stephen kai jackson
Aurisk Morey Kenbi
Erebereberto Ma Fe
Patrick Patrikan Habaton
For those who are expecting a Skyripper, just let me know when we trade please
So, that’s it from me! For now…
Princess Socrates (According to @cat1000er)