Missing Emissaries - Pre Entrolympic Events 2022


This is it, the Grand Final Ceremony Happened saturday october 16, 2021 and was the final point of the Missing Emissaries - Pre Entrolympic Events 2022.
“Missing Emissaries” was a RP quest with events in which participants were considered heroes and could win prizes.
The event was used to test and prepare the Entrolympic Events 2022 and lasted 8 months, from march to october 2021.

Thanks to all participants and congratulations to the best hero:
@Cromius , finished best hero with 585 devotional points. Ask him to craft, to draw, race in space, mine, hunt, walk for fruits participate in costume contest etc…this 29 years old player from middle Finland will accept the challenges and will always try the best he can. His devotion featuring his skills and his 16 years experience in Entropia Universe made him shine more than others. He even managed to gather pieces of map of the Treasure Hunt Event of Entrolympics 2022.

Thanks to all the other participants and congratulations to those who won prizes :slight_smile:

List of the other ranked participants
Alek Gozzy Abernor 444,3
La Dela Dalinha 377,6
Polianna cat1000er Fairling 373,5
Flynn Kybo Kybo 331,5
Astrid Maude Clementine 150
Alfa Alfa Alfa 140
Kulas Hudy Kulas 138,5
David Draxar Born 129
Savina irridiumm Irina 125,5
Zilestian Zessti Dru 120
Ekimose Desnago Born 109
Legolasz 80
mindaugas minchas kvasiakas 77,5
FireFist 69
Zbysek Ebrithill Nepovim 64
Anatol RidRock Bondarenko 59,5
Wand AxeMurderer Silva 50
Beni Mons Benjoue 30,5
Michael Mike Masters 30
Nakor of Boreft 28,5
Eris erisblee23 25
Den Mordor Dark 20,5
Edward Illier Illier 14,1
Stas Luckyfisher Ua 10
jonathan jonadijo16 romero 9,5
QEE ben acher 6
Ballaban Ballaban Ballaban 5
fire eashooko175 draak 5
Lotsa Lucky Luck 5
Dorin 5
Angela Draniie Cloud 4,8
white theone dragon 4,5
Kronos Hyperion Titan 4
Vidmantas Vill Laukys 3,6
Zakki Rizal Hidayat 2
Auberon Night Night 1,5
Anet Dot Bewise 0,5
Pavel CaptainMorgan Fomenko 0,5

Huge thanks to sponsors:

BIG Industries-Events-Program & GrindHouse-Weekly-Grinder-12-competing-LA-s
EPO Entropian People Organisation
K.I.S.S. Kronan Interplanetary Spaceship Services
[Shop] /wp [Ancient Greece, 36011, 19552, 127, Waypoint] Troezen TP
[Shop] /wp [Next Island, 125440, 93064, 162, waypoint] Trading Post II, Enchanted Village TP
[Shop] /wp [Next Island, 125388, 93101, 168, Waypoint] Trading Post IV, Enchanted Village TP
And goodies gifters @Cromius , MissX, Sliver!

Huge thanks to supporters:

@Night for helping during space race
@Socrates for helping spawning mobs
Pepmin2019 for helping promoting



Ok so here is my try on athena.
It’s not good but that was to be expected :wink:
It’s the best I could come up with though


It’s the best I could do


:heart_eyes_cat: wow nice drawing, and gz on getting a great content badge


:blush: thank you , thank you , I tried my best .(tr-r)


Lady seen near Thebes


mine with pencil :slight_smile:


mine :stuck_out_tongue:
oh it says new users cannot upload images

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here we go :slight_smile:


There is my Chimera and Lara, Athena needs to wait a bit :smiley:

Not sure if my latest post have been accepted so I’m adding my pencil sketch here.


The events of July are over.
A big THANK YOU to those who participated :angel: , here are the results:

Chimera Hunting: Poker Bonus: 5♦ 6♥ 7♥ 10♣ J♥
21 points Alek Gozzy Abernor : 4♥ 6♠
20 points Polianna cat1000er Fairling : 3♦ A♦
19 points FireFist : 5♥ 10♥
18 points Zilestian Zessti Dru : 3♣ K♣ ← Randomly picked up win 5ped
17 points Cromius Crommy Apocalypse : 9♥ 9♦
16 points La Dela Dalinha : K♠ A♣
15 points Savina irridiumm Irina : Q♠ K♥
14 points Flynn Kybo Kybo : 3♠ 9♣
13 points David Draxar Born : 8♥ A♥ ← Best Poker Hand win 10ped
12 points Ekimose Desnago Born : 4♠ 8♣
11 points Alfa Alfa Alfa : 8♠ Q♦
10 points Kulas Hudy Kulas : 7♠ Q♥

L.A.R.A. Taming:
20 points Polianna cat1000er Fairling
19 points Alek Gozzy Abernor
18 points FireFist ← Randomly picked up win 5ped
17 points Zilestian Zessti Dru
16 points Cromius Crommy Apocalypse
15 points La Dela Dalinha
14 points Flynn Kybo Kybo
13 points David Draxar Born
12 points Ekimose Desnago Born
11 points Alfa Alfa Alfa
10 points Kulas Hudy Kulas

Athena Drawing:
25 points Polianna cat1000er Fairling *participation prize
25 points Alek Gozzy Abernor *participation prize
25 points Alfa Alfa Alfa *participation prize
25 points Flynn Kybo Kybo *participation prize
25 points Savina irridiumm Irina *participation prize
100 points La Dela Dalinha ← Best Draw win 100ped
25 points Cromius Crommy Apocalypse *participation prize
25 points Eris erisblee *participation prize
25 points Kulas Hudy Kulas *participation prize

Edit: Actual Rank of players with Devotional Points:

La Dela Dalinha 173,1
Alek Gozzy Abernor 155,8
Polianna cat1000er Fairling 154
Cromius Crommy Apocalypse 150
Alfa Alfa Alfa 140
Flynn Kybo Kybo 138,5
David Draxar Born 124
Zilestian Zessti Dru 120
Kulas Hudy Kulas 119,5
Ekimose Desnago Born 109
mindaugas minchas kvasiakas 77,5
Savina irridiumm Irina 60,5
Anatol RidRock Bondarenko 59,5
FireFist 52
Michael Mike Masters 30
Eris erisblee23 25
Den Mordor Dark 20,5
Nakor of Boreft 14,5
Edward Illier Illier 14,1
Stas Luckyfisher Ua 10
jonathan jonadijo16 romero 9,5
QEE ben acher 6
Ballaban Ballaban Ballaban 5
fire eashooko175 draak 5
Lotsa Lucky Luck 5
Angela Draniie Cloud 4,8
white theone dragon 4,5
Kronos Hyperion Titan 4
Vidmantas Vill Laukys 3,6
Zakki Rizal Hidayat 2
Auberon Night Night 1,5
Anet Dot Bewise 0,5
Beni Mons Benjoue 0,5
Pavel CaptainMorgan Fomenko 0,5

Events of August published :slight_smile:

crafting 50 attempts of Lesser Elysia
hunting 1 Myrinian in AG and 1 Myrinian in NI
mining 1 Dark Lysterium in AG and 1 Dark Lysterium in NI

Screenshots can be posted on this thread 7 days a week, 24 hours a day till August 30, 12h30 game time.

Good luck

Here is my crafting shot.
I chose 25 lucky number.


I hope I do this right.
I pick 23 and 24 numbers.





To AxeMurderer2021: Yes you did all good!
To FireFist: You need to post both mining screenshots at the same time, I only see your finding in Next Island in your post, so you will have to post both of your screenshots in another post ! :slight_smile:

Actual scores:


AxeMurderer 11 points 30% success 22,54 total ped earned Lucky number 25 ( 0,01 ped )
FireFist 10 points 46% success 10 total ped earned Lucky number 33 ( 1 ped )


AxeMurderer 20 points, Lucky number 23 ( 0,10 ped ), Lucky number 24 ( 1 ped )

nice but
I think you mixed the % success.
I also got entry for hunting.

Well, here we are again. I can safely say I already give up on the dark lyst, that stuffs avoided me for pretty much the whole time I’ve been mining. But took down two scary warrior woman. They gave up some of their Tigers eyes today.

I choose 94 and 50

Time to hit that crafting machine up.

I have the worst of Luck crafting :crying_cat_face:
Here’s my crafting attempt

can I go for number 77

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AxeMurderer 22 points lucky number 23 ( 0,10 ped ) lucky number 24 ( 1 ped )
Polianna cat1000er Fairling 20 points lucky number 50 ( 0,01 ped ) lucky number 94 ( 0,10 ped )