Crazy Mining Test #4 - Mining High and Low
Crazy Mining Method
In this test I wanted to test mining high up on mountains comparing it to mine in lowlands. All done on the same server on Next Island.
High drops tested at: Sypherton Gardens, Bustamite Forest Mountains, Crimson Fields on Snow Covered Mountain
Low drops tested at: Hillside hideout, Borass Rock, Bustamite Forest Lowland, Crimson Fields below Snow Covered Mountain
Finder: Finder F-105 (Tier VIII)
Depth enhancers: Two depth enhancers (avg. search depth: 600.03 m)
Excavator: Resource Extractor RE-104
Refiner: Imperium Resource Refiner B1
Amps: No amps
Mined resources found at the locations
Sypherton Gardens (HIGH): Alferix Stone, Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Crude Oil, Dark Lysterium, Devils Tail, Durulium Stone, Erionite Stone, Garcen Grease, Growth Molecules, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone, Lytarian Dust, Magerian Mist, Melchi Water, Sorensen’s Stone, Typonolic Steam
Hillside Hideout (LOW): Alferix Stone, Alicenies Liquid, Belkar Stone, Blausarium Stone, Crude Oil, Growth Molecules, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Melchi Water, Niksarium Stone, Zinc Stone
Borass Rock (LOW): Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Blausarium Stone, Dark Lysterium, Durulium Stone, Ignisium Stone, Magerian Mist, Niksarium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Quantium Stone, Typonolic Steam
Bustamite Forest Mountain (HIGH): Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Blausarium Stone, Crude Oil, Erdorium Stone, Frigulite Stone, Gold Stone, Ignisium Stone, Iolite Stone, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Lytarian Dust, Megan Stone, Melchi Water, Narcanisium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Sweetstuff, Zinc Stone
Bustamite Forest Lowland (LOW): Alferix Stone, Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid, Crude Oil, Dark Lysterium, Ignisium Stone, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Lytarian Dust, Melchi Water, Narcanisium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Sorensen’s Stone, Zinc Stone
Crimson Fields on White Mountain (HIGH): Acid Root, Alicenies Liquid, Crude Oil, Durulium Stone, Erdorium Stone, Force Nexus, Garcen Grease, Ignisium Stone, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Sorensen’s Stone, Typonolic Steam, Zinc Stone
Crimson Fields below White Mountain (LOW): Acid Root, Belkar Stone, Binary Fluid, Blausarium Stone, Crude Oil, Durulium Stone, Force Nexus, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone, Phlogiston, Platinum Stone, Praetonium Stone, Sorensen’s Stone, Zinc Stone
Total number of resource types
- Result and number of resource types.
- Claim hit rates
As far as I could see there was no differance in hit rate mining high or low. Also same chance finding something good. It all depends on the area, not weither you mine on a mountain or at lowlands.
As I mined in the same quadrant (server) on Next Island I think I can conclude that mining in one server doesnt mean that you find the same resources everywhere on that server area. It differs from place to place within the server area. For example the Bustamite Forest Lowland among the drakes clearly contain more local Next Island resources.
Earlier I have avoided mining on mountains because it’s so time consuming but after this test I think I have changed my mind. There are mountain areas that are easy to mine on.
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Crazy factor
5 out of 10