Locos Crazy Mining Log

What is a Crazy Mining log?

Exactly what it says, testing out crazy ways of mining and log it and having fun while doing it.

If you have any suggestions for crazy ways of mining I can try then please post them.

(As long as it doesnt include amping. I am not that crazy.)

I hope you will enjoy my complete lack of rational thinking and my utter crazyness when mining.


  • Testing unconventional ways of mining and see what happens
  • Finding a crazy way of mining that is actually profitable (not likelly to happen)
  • Proving that thinking outside of the box can be quite crazy (or?)


  • 33 Surveyor
  • 33 Prospector
  • 33 Miner
  • 30 Driller

The logs

For each Crazy Mining Test I will post:

  • Crazy Mining Method
  • Location
  • Equipment
  • Mined resources found
  • Pics and diagrams
  • Conclusion

:crazy_face: LET THE CRAZYNESS BEGIN :crazy_face:


Crazy Mining Test #1 - Repeatable straight line mining

Crazy Mining Method

In this test I picked a latitude at the coast NW of Drusy Blue Ridge. Enough long to do 25 drops.
When 25 drops was done I ran back along the same latitude and dropped 25 more.
I repeated this four times so in total 100 drops.
I repeated the 100 drop runs 5 times.


Start: Next Island, 133899, 89826
Stop: Next Island, 131611, 89874


Finder: Finder F-105 (Tier VIII)
Depth enhancers: I-VIII
Excavator: Resource Extractor RE-104
Refiner: Imperium Resource Refiner B1
Amps: No amps

Mined resources found

Acid Root, Alferix Stone, Alicenies Liquid, Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Binary Fluid, Blausariam Stone, Crude Oil, Durulium Stone, Erdorium Stone, Frigulite Stone, Garcen Grease, Gold Stone, Ignisium Stone, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Lytairian Dust, Megan Stone, Melchi Water, Narcanisum Stone, Platinum Stone, Sweetstuff, Terrudite Stone, Vesperdite Ore, Zinc Stone

Total number of resource types



The latitude at which I mined.

The hit rates for each 100 drop run showing number of claims for each 25 drop run along the latitude.

The result with PED out and PED in + number of differant resource types for each run.


This was trully a crazy and bad idea. A huge loss. Only one global, an abundant lyst in Run #2.
Interesting fact is that the hit rate wasnt really that bad, between 42 to 58 claims on these runs.
But the claim sizes killed the runs.

This is generally concidered a very bad idea when mining to mine in the same spots. I was just curious to test it myself and see how bad it really was.

Nowadays it’s really hard to find areas on NI/AG with only generic resources and no planet specific ones. Thats why I picked it. But the number of differant types was really high making it hard to build sellable batches (except lyst and oil ofc).

Craziness factor

8 out of 10

:crazy_face: LET THE CRAZYNESS CONTINUE :crazy_face:


Crazy Mining Test #2 - Teleport mining on Next Island


Crazy Mining Method

In this test I did one drop at each of the 55 known teleporters on Next Island. Repeating this 5 times in total. Mining for both enmatter and ores.


Start: Aijote Ridge
Stop: Xrager Island


Finder: Finder F-105 (Tier VIII)
Depth enhancers: No depth enhancers
Excavator: Resource Extractor RE-104
Refiner: Imperium Resource Refiner B1
Amps: No amps

Mined resources found

Acid Root, Alferix Stone, Alicenies Liquid, Ares Head, Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Blausariam Stone, Cobalt Stone, Crude Oil, Cumbriz Stone, Dark Lysterium, Devils Tail, Durulium Stone, Erionite Stone, Force Nexus, Frigulite Stone, Garcen Grease, Growth Molecules, Ignisium Stone, Iolite Stone, Iron Stone, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Lytairian Dust, Magerian Mist, Melchi Water, Narcanisum Stone, Niksarium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium, Sorensens Stone, Sweetstuff, Typonolic Steam, Zinc Stone

Total number of resource types



Result and number of resoure types.

Claim hit rates

Resources at teleporter locations

  • Ajoite Ridge: Force Nexus, Melchi Water, Acid Root
  • Ancient Ruins: Lysterium Stone, Crude Oil, Crude Oil
  • Biological Research Area: Crude Oil, Zinc Stone, Alferix Stone
  • Bonerattle Cove: Ignisium Stone, Durulium Stone, Belkar Stone
  • Borass Rock: Phlogiston, Praetonium, Magerian Mist, Dark Lysterium
  • Bustamite Forest: Ignisium Stone, Phlogiston, Lysterium Stone, Phlogiston
  • Conq’s Rest: Magerian Mist, Sorensens Stone, Praetonium, Dark Lysterium
  • Crimson Fields: Cumbriz Stone
  • Crystal Bay: Blausariam Stone, Alicenies Liquid, Sweetstuff
  • Crystal Cove: Crude Oil, Ignisium Stone, Dark Lysterium, Narcanisum Stone
  • Crystal Peak Teleport: Alicenies Liquid, Cobalt Stone
  • Daudaormur Bog: Force Nexus, Melchi Water, Ares Head
  • Death Valley: Blausariam Stone, Copper Stone, Lysterium Stone, Alicenies Liquid
  • Dragon’s Breach: Dark Lysterium
  • Draken Stand: Crude Oil, Sweetstuff, Praetonium, Lytairian Dust
  • Drusy Blue Ridge: -
  • Emily’s Lookout: Frigulite Stone, Iron Stone, Blausariam Stone, Phlogiston
  • Enchanted Excavation Lodge: Growth Molecules, Lysterium Stone, Dark Lysterium
  • Enchanted Village: Dark Lysterium, Crude Oil, Lysterium Stone, Praetonium
  • Enchanted Waterfall Ridge: Growth Molecules, Zinc Stone
  • Fenster Landing: Lysterium Stone, Azur Pearls, Blausariam Stone, Zinc Stone
  • First-Wave Settlement: Devils Tail, Blausariam Stone
  • Flash Point: Sorensens Stone, Blausariam Stone, Praetonium
  • Forsaken Outpost: Phlogiston, Phlogiston, Sorensens Stone
  • Hillside Hideout: Melchi Water, Blausariam Stone
  • Hunters Waterfall Outpost: Narcanisum Stone, Garcen Grease, Alferix Stone, Lysterium Stone, Typonolic Steam
  • Kamba Outpost: NO HIT
  • Kyanite Lake: Praetonium, Melchi Water, Iolite Stone
  • Kyanite Lookout: Crude Oil, Melchi Water, Belkar Stone
  • Marshland Observation: Lysterium Stone, Garcen Grease, Iron Stone
  • Misty Outpost: Alicenies Liquid, Phlogiston, Praetonium
  • Morion Outpost: Growth Molecules, Lysterium Stone, Crude Oil, Cobalt Stone
  • Mushroom Marsh: Niksarium Stone
  • Neophyte Village: Sorensens Stone, Lytairian Dust, Melchi Water, Crude Oil
  • Oasis Outlook: Crude Oil, Narcanisum Stone
  • Orpheus’ Cave: Praetonium, Sorensens Stone
  • Orpheus’ Way: Crude Oil, Zinc Stone, Ares Head
  • Papoo Village: Zinc Stone, Lytairian Dust, Alferix Stone, Crude Oil
  • Paradise Landing: Ignisium Stone, Sweetstuff
  • Pearl Cove: Ignisium Stone, Garcen Grease, Narcanisum Stone, Belkar Stone, Lytarian Dust
  • Resa Docks: NO HIT
  • Riverside View: Sorensens Stone, Garcen Grease
  • Salvation Outpost: Lytairian Dust, Durulium Stone, Crude Oil
  • Screeching Hollow: Durulium Stone, Lytairian Dust, Lysterium Stone
  • Serpentine Village: Devils Tail, Durulium Stone, Magerian Mist
  • Shadow Hill: Narcanisum Stone, Devils Tail
  • Sharptooth Cliff: Lysterium Stone, Iolite Stone, Sorensens Stone
  • Shatterrock: Crude Oil
  • Shepherd’s Beach: Melchi Water, Force Nexus, Niksarium Stone, Crude Oil, Azur Pearls
  • Sherman Outpost: Azur Pearls, Crude Oil, Niksarium Stone
  • Shoreline Flats: Melchi Water, Alferix Stone, Lumis Leach, Growth Molecules
  • Sypherton Gardens: Lysterium Stone, Crude Oil, Erionite Stone, Belkar Stone
  • Tanzanite View: Lytairian Dust, Frigulite Stone, Crude Oil
  • Vulcans Pass: Phlogiston, Zinc Stone, Sorensens Stone, Melchi Water
  • Xrager Island: Lysterium Stone, Crude Oil, Praetonium, Ares Head, Dark Lysterium, Typonolic Steam


To my surprise this wasnt utter madness. The TT return after repairs and cost for probes was -46,58 ped but with markup +12,54 ped. Thanks to a quite high average markup of the found resources.
The only non mineable teleport was ofc Resa Docks. I could drop at Drusy Blue Ridge and Kamba Outpost but didnt get any hits there. But hits at 52 of the 55 teleporters.
I think this mining method works to find out where the resources are located.
I didnt get any bigger finds this way but the hit rates was quite ok as you can see of the diagram.
55 drops on each run and the average hit rate was always above 50%.

Crazy factor

5 out of 10

:crazy_face: LET THE CRAZYNESS CONTINUE :crazy_face:

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Added a youtube video for the Crazy Mining Test #2. I’ll try and make videos for the coming tests.

Crazy Mining Test #3 - Server Border Mining


Crazy Mining Method

I have heard more than one time that mining along server borders gets you better returns. I was curious so I tested it on Next Island.

But in this test I did 5 runs, 100 drops each mining for both enmatter and ores, and running diagonally over the server border.

Dropping at one side of the server border then cross the border and drop another one and repeat this.


Planet: Next Island
Start: [Next Island, 131054, 83788, 119, Waypoint]
Stop: [Next Island, 131054, 89436, 119, Waypoint]


Finder: Finder F-105 (Tier VIII)
Depth enhancers: No depth enhancers
Excavator: Resource Extractor RE-104
Refiner: Imperium Resource Refiner B1
Amps: No amps

Mined resources found

Crude Oil, Lysterium Stone, Alferix Stone, Belkar Stone, Zinc Stone, Niksarium Stone

Total number of resource types




Claim hit rates



Super boring!!! If you like to mine for lyst and oil this is perfect for you. But the returns wasnt to bad. 97% return after repairs.

But it’s quite glitchy. If you get a hit on one side of a server border you can only dig it up on that server. You can sometimes see the claim on the other side of a server border but you have to cross it to dig it.

Quite often you can see a claim rod but it doesnt show up on the radar. Also, you can see it on the radar but there is no visible claim rod.

So it takes time. If you want to repeat this then do no more than 25 drops at a time or you may risk to lose claims because the time runs out.

Crazy factor

4 out of 10

:crazy_face: LET THE CRAZYNESS CONTINUE :crazy_face:

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Mining, spreadsheets, graphs, and data! I love this content so much. And the music is funky and fun. Thanks Loco so much for this content!

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WOW! The information in this second video is invaluable to all miners who might use this technique. I wonder if you would have been profitable had you been able to find and dig up the claims that you could not find or lost. I think you would have been profitable after MU.

This experiment is invaluable to the player base as well as for the developers given that this details a claim-icon bug. You should submit your findings herein as a bug. You lost PED because you could not find your claims in reasonable time because you could not summon them or dig them up.

I don’t want you to lose more PED doing experiments like this but damn I learned a tremendous amount watching this video. For the sake of your YouTube channel please enable comments on your videos. I am certain other miners in the Entropia Universe want to discuss your findings.

Loco, this is really good content! Please post this on the Planet Calypso Forums, NI forums, NI discord, and all other forums and Discords you can find!

This is great content for mining in the Entropia Universe.

I can’t wait to see what you do next.

Thank you!


AWW! Thank you so much for the encouraging words. Yea I was really surprised myself that this havent been up to discussion (as far as I know). But only a crazy person decides to mine solelly at a server border :crazy_face:. About the comments on YT. I’m a total YT nub. I had set the videos to “children”. So comments where automatically shut off. Shows my prejudice about the Entropia players. :grin:. Changed that now.

I thought about posting on PCF but well … I think the NI forum needs some love and affection so I think I keep it here.

I also think I would have profited if I didnt lose those claims, but I learned as I went along and it was only in the first 100 drop run I lost some claims. The rest of the 100 drop runs I cut up in 25 drop parts. Then I didnt lose any.

And again, thank you so much Stirge for the kind words and keep up your awesome work mareting NI with your well made videos.


Crazy Mining Test #4 - Mining High and Low


Crazy Mining Method

In this test I wanted to test mining high up on mountains comparing it to mine in lowlands. All done on the same server on Next Island.


High drops tested at: Sypherton Gardens, Bustamite Forest Mountains, Crimson Fields on Snow Covered Mountain

Low drops tested at: Hillside hideout, Borass Rock, Bustamite Forest Lowland, Crimson Fields below Snow Covered Mountain


Finder: Finder F-105 (Tier VIII)
Depth enhancers: Two depth enhancers (avg. search depth: 600.03 m)
Excavator: Resource Extractor RE-104
Refiner: Imperium Resource Refiner B1
Amps: No amps

Mined resources found at the locations

Sypherton Gardens (HIGH): Alferix Stone, Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Crude Oil, Dark Lysterium, Devils Tail, Durulium Stone, Erionite Stone, Garcen Grease, Growth Molecules, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone, Lytarian Dust, Magerian Mist, Melchi Water, Sorensen’s Stone, Typonolic Steam

Hillside Hideout (LOW): Alferix Stone, Alicenies Liquid, Belkar Stone, Blausarium Stone, Crude Oil, Growth Molecules, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Melchi Water, Niksarium Stone, Zinc Stone

Borass Rock (LOW): Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Blausarium Stone, Dark Lysterium, Durulium Stone, Ignisium Stone, Magerian Mist, Niksarium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Quantium Stone, Typonolic Steam

Bustamite Forest Mountain (HIGH): Azur Pearls, Belkar Stone, Blausarium Stone, Crude Oil, Erdorium Stone, Frigulite Stone, Gold Stone, Ignisium Stone, Iolite Stone, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Lytarian Dust, Megan Stone, Melchi Water, Narcanisium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Sweetstuff, Zinc Stone

Bustamite Forest Lowland (LOW): Alferix Stone, Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid, Crude Oil, Dark Lysterium, Ignisium Stone, Lumis Leach, Lysterium Stone, Lytarian Dust, Melchi Water, Narcanisium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Sorensen’s Stone, Zinc Stone

Crimson Fields on White Mountain (HIGH): Acid Root, Alicenies Liquid, Crude Oil, Durulium Stone, Erdorium Stone, Force Nexus, Garcen Grease, Ignisium Stone, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone, Phlogiston, Praetonium Stone, Sorensen’s Stone, Typonolic Steam, Zinc Stone

Crimson Fields below White Mountain (LOW): Acid Root, Belkar Stone, Binary Fluid, Blausarium Stone, Crude Oil, Durulium Stone, Force Nexus, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone, Phlogiston, Platinum Stone, Praetonium Stone, Sorensen’s Stone, Zinc Stone

Total number of resource types



  1. Result and number of resource types.

  1. Claim hit rates


As far as I could see there was no differance in hit rate mining high or low. Also same chance finding something good. It all depends on the area, not weither you mine on a mountain or at lowlands.

As I mined in the same quadrant (server) on Next Island I think I can conclude that mining in one server doesnt mean that you find the same resources everywhere on that server area. It differs from place to place within the server area. For example the Bustamite Forest Lowland among the drakes clearly contain more local Next Island resources.

Earlier I have avoided mining on mountains because it’s so time consuming but after this test I think I have changed my mind. There are mountain areas that are easy to mine on.

Also check out

Mining Depth Theory - Entropia Universe by PigBenisHateraid

Mining Finder Tool by Morrath
Mining Finder Tool is used to find the right resources for your finder made for Entropia Universe miners.

Crazy factor

5 out of 10

:crazy_face: LET THE CRAZYNESS CONTINUE :crazy_face:


Crazy Mining Test #5 - Latitude Road Trip with 2000 Ped


The film is more about the Road Trip show casing some pics and clips from the differant latitudes visited. And with music from Dokaka and the amazingly talented Meydän.

Crazy Mining Method

This Crazy Mining Test was not only a test but also as the topic says, a Road Trip. The common advise to miners is to find out the locations where you can find the best markup resources.
But even if you do you are always victim of the drop rate of high markup resources. There is no garantee for profit even if you know the best areas. In this test I did quite the opposite.

I decided to mine along latitudes with 800(ish) meters apart from the south to the north doing double drops. Not stopping at good markup spots but just driving along.

Another advise is to build up enough big batches to cover the auction fees when selling your mined resources. So the question here was if 2000 ped would be enough to build up enough big batches to sell. I set the sellable batch sizes to >= 15 ped. Probably to small.

I skipped areas with harder mobs but mined in lower level mob areas.

But the Road Trip part of the test was actually the best part. Rediscovering Next Island. Finding new nice areas to come back to mining. But also enjoy the vast variety of terrain and design of the planet.
Even though some areas have little aestethic thought behind the design the majority of the planet is still very beutiful. It feels hand crafted with the ambition to make each area unique. Not just using some automated terrain generator and quickly slap some content on it. Of course there are a lot of copy paste when it comes to vegetation and structures but the variety is still convincing. So I can highly recommend doing what I did if you are tired of grinding away crafting, hunting or mining in the same spot all day long. Get out there and enjoy the art work that the planet design of Next Island really is!


The Road Trip started at latitude 84000 just east of Neophyte Village and ended at latitude 92900 in the proximity of Misty Outpost. So the road trip covered almost 3/5 of the entire planet.

And the 2000 peds lasted me twelve 150 Ped double drop runs. With another 1000 ped I would have covered the entire planet.


  • Finder: Finder F-105 (Tier VIII) with depth enhancers up to VIII. Average search depth: 832.8 m.
  • Excavator: Resource Extractor RE-104 with speed enhancers up to slot 2.
  • Refiner: Imperium Resource Refiner B1
  • Amps: No amps
  • Vehicle: Sleipnir Mk. 1
  • Armor: Gremlin with Armor Plating Mk. 5B and Pixie without armor platings.

Mined resources found

Listing most of them refined below:

  • Alferix Ingot
  • Alicenies Gel
  • Ares Powder
  • Belkar Ingot
  • Binary Energy
  • Blausariam Ingot
  • Caldorite Ingot
  • Chalmon
  • Concentrated Phlogiston
  • Copper Ingot
  • Cumbriz Ingot
  • Dark Lysterium
  • Durulium Ingot
  • Erdorium Ingot
  • Erionite Ingot
  • Force Nexus
  • Frigulite Ingot
  • Garcen Lubricant
  • Gazzurdite Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Growth Molecules
  • Ignisium Ingot
  • Iolite Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Light Liquid
  • Lumis Leach
  • Lysterium Ingot
  • Lytairian Dust
  • Maganite Ingot
  • Magerian Spray
  • Megan Ingot
  • Melchi Crystal
  • Narcanisum Ingot
  • Niksarium Ingot
  • Oil
  • Pearl Sand
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Praetonium Ingot
  • Quantium Ingot
  • Refined Sorensen’s Stone
  • Root Acid
  • Sweetstuff
  • Terrudite Ingot
  • Typonolic Gas
  • Vesperdite Ingot
  • Zinc Ingot

Total number of resource types



  1. The log for each of the twelve runs. The Area Markup Value is a way of estimating an areas overall markup value of found resources. The higher the better.

I didnt include the cost of oil and broken enhancers. The cost was for probes, tool, armor and tool decay and mind essence.

  1. Batch sizes bigger than 15 ped after the 12 runs.

  1. Minis


As a road trip it was a great way to explore a planet, or in my case rediscover a well known planet. I love the mining profession for this reason, that you get around a lot.

As for the result it was as expected a bit disappointing. Having no single global and just 6 minis after 1200 double drops was an all time low I think.
1517 ped in bigger batcher is ok as the total calculated loss was only -74 ped for all the finds after markup. Paying 7,5 dollars for a month of mining is quite ok IMO :).

Some drop rates should be adjusted I think, otherwise those resources becomes more or less pointless on Next Island.
Low drop rate resources:

  • Copper; 13 ingots
  • Gold: 2 ingots
  • Maganite: 1 ingot
  • Megan: 5 ingots
  • Platinum: 2 ingots
  • Quantium: 4 ingots
  • Vesperdite: 3 ingots

But well, drop rates goes up and down and it might have been better if I had grinded the areas where these resources occured.

Would I recommend this? Yea, for anyone who is new into mining I would recommend this. If youre looking for profitable mining then not so much.

Would be interesting to do the same with a mining friend and compare the results afterwards.

Crazy factor (lower = less crazy)

2 out of 10 (for the road trip part)
7 out of 10 (as a way of mining profitable)

:crazy_face: LET THE CRAZYNESS CONTINUE :crazy_face:

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