Lore Submission Thread

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #33

My head was reeling in a different way today. That whole thing with Cherry yesterday. It is a good lesson that there is not much to be gained by meanness.

I even had thought that maybe my personal efforts against the papoo army were unfounded… but then I
went for a walk and saw a bunch of papoo just attack another traveler on the road! If they had attacked me I could have chalked it up to retribution, but they just jumped an unarmed traveler! I was close enough that I could run over and be of assistance, so I did. The man was very thankful, but couldn’t understand why the papoo attacked him. He ALSO was led to believe by that rotten Sebastian that papoo were his friends and would be grateful for protection from piglets.

I told him my theory on the whole thing, and now I have my first convert! Who knows? I could start a new faction. One on a grand quest to save Next Island from being run over by evil papoo!

I shouldn’t get to far ahead of myself. I, Isme Gotitt, Super Hunter in training. Still gets her butt kicked my the higher level Red Papoo.

Aah! That something I should probably be able to do before I go back to Ancient Greece. I should be able to take down more then 1 Red papoo with out ending up at revive.

Lets see, so for the must do list that makes it:

  1. Fix or replace all armor and weapons
  2. Empty out all unnecessary things from back pack so as to not be unneeded weight.
  3. Pack food and medical supplies for the trip
  4. Be able to kill 2 or more red papoo with out dieing

I don’t really suspect that my next trip to Ancient Greece will be overly successful. It might show me where my weakest spots are though. Which parts of my hunting and fighting skills need the most work.

More hunting tomorrow. Still need a lot of papoo for those contracts I have.