Lore Submission Thread

Isme’s Journey

Isme’s Journal #19

I am trying hard to be perky and positive today. So far its not working.

I should be happy. I really should. I got all the things I needed for Audrey. I even found a new teleport location. So Yay!

But I am not feeling it. It was a really hot day today. I to take the teleporter to Tanzanite View and walk the rest of the way. I really only had to choices 1) take the teleporter to Tanzanite View and WALK to Audrey or 2) take the teleporter to Tanzanite View and RUN the rest of the way to Audrey.

With the heat I thought I would walk. I thought maybe I might even find some rocks or dung or fruit for that crazy lady planning the party.

I actually did find almost 60 fruit! So that was good. I then found that same field of boars.

I actually made out pretty well there. I did not even have to work hard taking a single boar down. I even took them down in pairs! I was feeling pretty good!!!

ISME GOTITT SUPER HUNTER was on the prowl!!! Then I saw a shadow and then a revive terminal

I am not really sure what got me. The sun was at my back and I saw a shadow moving up on me and then it was over. I didn’t even know what the shadow belonged too!

Once I sort of collected myself, I started to look around. It wasn’t the revive at Tanzanite. It was a new one. Its called Fenster Landing. According to my mini map its closer to Audrey’s location than the one at Tanzanite. So it there for means that I am also closer to Audrey’s location then I had been, but…. But … but… but.

Why does this particular mission have to take so much travel time? I need to save for an airship and fuel. That would solve all the problems with boars, and drakes and other assorted things that seem to want to kill me.

I wonder how much one costs and would it improve my “super hunter” status. That is a question for tomorrow.