Reward Redemption Thread

Alexander Sertani Garpt
Event Organizer
Organized circles to collect sweat, at this event, participants could sell 1000 bottles and participate in a small quiz where they can win a prize. The duration of the events is 1.5-2 hours, treatment and synchronization are provided. Here are the links to the events held:
Sweat and heal 31July (EU time 18:00-19:30) 16july 11-18 participants
Sweat and heal 31July (EU time 18:00-19:30) - #12 by sertani 19july 8-13 participants
Sweat and heal 31July (EU time 18:00-19:30) - #23 by sertani 20july 11-15 participants
Sweat and heal 31July (EU time 18:00-19:30) - #34 by sertani 23july 10-13 participants
Sweat and heal 31July (EU time 18:00-19:30) - #44 by sertani 31july 11-14 participants

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