Sweat and win event on Wednesday 2022-04-27 18:00 game time at Crystal Peak

Hello Dear Islanders,

This Wednesday (2020-04-27) 18:00 game time (type “/time” without brackets to check current game time) I will hold sweat and win event at Crystal Peak sweat circle.

We will collect sweat, I will do free healing and ask some questions during event to win 3x regular prizes.
At the of the event I will do “guess the loot” trivia: every participant can guess the loot of the last mob. After the mob is “dry”, I will kill it and tell the loot I got, person with closest answer will win full tt Space Thruster (L).

Good luck and see you on Wednesday!


Event details and highlights:

Participants: more than 11.
Free heals and 4 prizes given away during event.

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