HSSC/FFSI and SSi times clashes with other events

Ok we are all aware that the community reward scheme is back from last year while it brought many new events to NI most of those events stopped when the reward scheme finished… Two events that carried on are HSSC/FFSI (My event) and B.I.G industries SSI… We run from 8pm to 10pm weekdays and 3pm to 4:30pm weekends supporting each other somewhat to make sure new players have sweat to sell to both events… Now I been doing HSSC/FFSI at 8pm (one hour before SSI) for almost one whole year now and 4 times now the 8PM slot has been taken by a pop up event… And only two people where willing to help come up with a solution. The other 2 where more or less like I decided this is the time for my event deal with it. Now most who sweat get around the circle between 5-7pm game time so that is 2 whole hours an event can take place and it is how it kind of was last year. This year no one is taking those times and are choosing to host there events when HSSC/FSSI and SSI are on… Can we just have some mindfulness please about two very established events… And yes the first two weeks of the month I’m not on NI but from the 17th onwards I am so from the 1st to the 16th I’m not expecting anyone not to host an event at that time and will even encourage them to full my slot only from the 1st to the 16th though… Just sometimes they can be HSSC or SSI and up too two more events beside… Now last year this was not a problem everyone seem mindful of each event and we even worked together to accommodate everyone’s events. But this year it’s a right free for all with no one giving a damn what is on and is just like “my slot, my slot…”. So can we all start communicating again like we did last year and work together to make sure we don’t fall into a right free for all. just a thought for and easier community reward scheme with less frustration for everyone…