Hunting Event: ELYSIAN SUPPLY CACHE 2024

Hunting Event - “Elysian Supply Cache”

The Elysian Loyalists have once again decided to open their equipment cache to reward all second wave colonists for their assistance in strengthening the colonies of Next Island. Suit up and join your fellow colonists in claiming your share of the cache! Clearing a path for additional colonization of Next Island, those who wish to reap the rewards of this event will need to quell the populations of select creatures on Next Island and Ancient Greece.

Event time:

00:01 April 20th → 23:59 May 20th 2024


Each of the highest 300 qualifying hunting globals at the end of the event period will count as a single point. The 50 players with the highest points will receive their share of the cache based on the amount of points they obtain. Ties will be decided by the highest single loot between two hunters with equal points. The event will be tracked live by the Entropia Life event system, and verified at the end by MindArk.

Team globals will not qualify. Shared loot mobs obviously will not qualify unless killed solo. (thus appearing as a normal global)

Register for the event on to track your real time score. All qualifying globals will be tracked for this event.

Qualifying creatures:

Sharks, Great White Sharks, Daudaormur (not Enslaved), Sand Boar, Desert Crawler, Brontes, Steropes, Myrinian and Zeus.

Disclaimer: If there should be questions about a global, it’s the players responsibility to be able to prove said global. So take screenshots to make that process as smooth as possible.


  1. Eir Mk.3
  2. Perfected Gorgon Harness (F)
  3. Perfected Gorgon Thigh Guards (F)
  4. Perfected Gorgon Arm Guards (F)
  5. Perfected Gorgon Shin Guards (F)
  6. Perfected Gorgon Foot Guards (F)
  7. Perfected Gorgon Helmet (F)
  8. Perfected Gorgon Gloves (F)
  9. Augmented Gorgon Harness (F)
  10. Augmented Gorgon Thigh Guards (F)
  11. Augmented Gorgon Arm guards (F)
  12. Augmented Gorgon Shin Guards (F)
  13. Augmented Gorgon Foot Guards (F)
  14. Augmented Gorgon Helmet (F)
  15. Augmented Gorgon Gloves (F)
  16. Eir Mk. 2
  17. Perfected Serpent Scale
  18. Perfected Serpent Scale
  19. Perfected Serpent Scale
  20. Perfected Serpent Scale
  21. Perfected Serpent Scale
  22. Perfected Serpent Scale
  23. Perfected Serpent Scale
  24. Perfected Serpent Scale
  25. Perfected Serpent Scale
  26. Perfected Serpent Scale
  27. Perfected Serpent Scale
  28. Perfected Serpent Scale
  29. Augmented Serpent Scale
  30. Augmented Serpent Scale
  31. Augmented Serpent Scale
  32. Augmented Serpent Scale
  33. Augmented Serpent Scale
  34. Augmented Serpent Scale
  35. Augmented Serpent Scale
  36. Apocalypse Harness (M)
  37. Apocalypse Harness (F)
  38. Apocalypse Thigh Guards (M)
  39. Apocalypse Thigh Guards (F)
  40. Apocalypse Arm Guards (M)
  41. Apocalypse Arm Guards (F)
  42. Apocalypse Shin Guards (M)
  43. Apocalypse Shin Guards (F)
  44. Apocalypse Foot Guards (M)
  45. Apocalypse Foot Guards (F)
  46. Apocalypse Gloves (F)
  47. Apocalypse Gloves (M)
  48. Apocalypse Helmet (M)
  49. Apocalypse Helmet (F)
  50. Eir Mk. 1

Don’t forget to register for the event, otherwise the globals will not count.

EL missed my HOF, but as I am now just creating an account on this forum it won’t allow me to upload an image here. What do I do? IGN Don Chelms Helms. You can check the hof list right now in game.

1136, yeah I see it.
Let me get it checked and then it should go on the list.
If a screenshot is needed, you can also use discord to send a message.

Dang thanks for the quick reply Circe. I have screenshots if you need them. Thanks again.