Lore Submission Thread

Lore submision by: Nakor of Boreft.
The search for Daniel

Part 1
Who is this Daniel character? What is his plan for Chloe?? He seems to know things and be able to do things, but who is he? Or, what is he?? Chloe gave me the Haruspex recording device Daniel gave her. He could be Haruspex. We don’t know much about them yet. What would they be doing here in Ancient Greece? I do know they have a strong connection to all living things on Next Island. There’s so much we don’t know about them. Like that recording device. I immediately recognize it as being Haruspex technology. Yet, we only see Haruspex traveling with their wagons. Like Earth’s gypsies of legend. But those were mostly musicians and artists. Like what we see of the Haruspex. I’ve never seen a Haruspex engineer. But they must exist. Where does their technology come from? Where do their wagons come from if they don’t build them? I think my best bet is to assume Daniel is a Haruspex. I’ll go to Next Island and ask some Haruspex there. Maybe someone knows Daniel or can point me in the right direction of someone who does. From what I’ve seen from the Haruspex, they’re very open and friendly people. I saw some of their wagons near Orpheus’cave, but no people. There are Haruspex at Tanzanite view. They’re always looking for big, blue flowers and for lesser elysium. Wait! Big, blue flowers? Magical flowers! I never gave it any thought, but could they mean actual magic? Hearing about this Daniel character made my mind spin. Magic isn’t real! Is it? I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this Daniel is and why he did as he did. But still, the more I think about it….them. The more questions I come up with. And why hasn’t anyone asked them before? I’m getting more and more determined to get answers. Though it also gives me shivers to think of what those answers might be.

Part 2
As I’ve said before, there are Haruspex at Tanzanite view, so that’s where went. They were more wagons and people now than a while back! I remembered Frederick from the magical flower mission and May who is always in need of Lesser Elysia. But there were more wagons now! I asked Frederick and May if they knew anything about a certain Daniel, but they said they had never heard of him. Next, I tried to walk to one of the new wagons, but suddenly I stood next to the teleporter again! What was that?! I tried walking to another of the new wagons and the same thing happened! I was stunned! What was going on here? I saw a woman standing a bit in front of one of the new wagons. She waved to me and she smiled friendly. When I walked up to her, she introduced herself as Flora. Flora told me the area behind her was for Haruspex VIPs only and if I wanted to go there I needed to craft some real Haruspex clothes. As I think Frederick’s clothes look very good, I immediately went to collect the necessary materials. And it was a little easier even.
I did not need to craft the clothes. I just needed to try 3 times for each piece of clothing. I already knew I could get the needed blueprints easily enough and the needed materials were easy enough to get. Most of them I already had. Only Anhydrqate Crystal was way out of my league to get myself, so I bought that from the auctioneer. Each time I had enough of the materials needed to try to craft one piece of the clothes. I went to the crafting terminal. Slowly I turned into Nakor the white! These clothes look so nice and they are comfortable to wear! When I had all 4 pieces of clothes on, I felt like a true VIP. So proudly I went back to Flora. She look at me, smiled approvingly, and made a little bow. “You are now a Haruspe VIP. Welcome”, she said.

Part 3
Now that I could enter the Haruspex VIP area, I decided to look around a bit before asking, what may be sensitive, questions.
In the first wagon I entered, I found something that I did not expect! A naked woman was standing there! It made me think of the shy Vixens on Rocktropia, so I expected her to run towards me and start yelling “I don’t see your name on the HOF list”, but I was very mistaken. She was calm and introduced herself as Lady Fri. A Haruspex artist. She makes the most wonderful paintings. She apologized for not having any clothes on. She’s a unique person I think, but she seemed nice.

In the second wagon I entered, I found a big, muscular man who only introduced himself as the Hunting specialist. He was more a silent type, but he fascinated me anyway. I did not know Harupex hunted. I always thought they were vegetarians. Eating only what the land provided them with.

The next person I met had a very large, peculiar-looking backpack. Alve was his name and he kept on talking. Where the hunting specialist was the silent type. Alve made up for that more than enough! He told me he is a miner. I guess he spends so much time all alone that he was glad he finally had someone to talk to. He kept on talking about all of the enmatters and ores he found. About the tools, he uses to find them, and extract them. About the different depths, you can find things at. He is really the most passionate about mining I’ve ever seen!

By now, it had become evening and I could feel a strange sensation in my head. It felt like something. or someone! Was ‘pulling’ at my right temple. A feeling I had never felt before and though it didn’t hurt. It felt uncomfortable. Then I heard my stomach complain and realized that I hadn’t eaten n some time. The Haruspex eat together and Flora waved me over to join them. So I did and had a wonderful dinner with them. There was even boar meat, so now I’m sure they’re not vegetarians. Though come to think of it. |I didn’t see any of them eat it. When we were all full of food and drink. Instruments were brought out. I decided to just enjoy the evening and ask for Daniel the next day.

Part 4
After a very nice evening of music and dancing, I felt very relaxed the next day. The strange sensation in my head, that I had felt the evening before was all gone now. I was ready to learn more about Daniel that had been teaching Chloe how to use weapons. Part of me still couldn’t believe it if he were Haruspex. they seem so peaceful! How could he be the teacher he described? But if he wasn’t Haruspex, what was he then?? He did give Chloe that Haruspex recording device. I couldn’t make any sense of it at all.

First, I went to ask Flora. She greeted me as friendly as she had done the day before. When I asked if she knew Daniel, she looked at me puzzlingly and said she didn’t.
Next, I went to lady Fri. When I entered her wagon, I called out her name. She said something, but I couldn’t make out what it was. As my head turned and I saw her, I realized that she had said she’d forgotten to put her clothes on. Like the day before. She was standing in front of me, fully naked! When I asked her if she knew Daniel, she took her time to think. Her eyes lost focus as if she was remembering something. When her eyes got into focus again, she looked at me and said. I think it was Daniel who made that painting of the harbour.
Alve was the next person I met. I don’t even think he heard my question. The moment he saw me, he started talking about a great claim of dark lysterium he had discovered and how long it would take him to extract all of it.
The Hunting specialist had seemed my best bet from the start for information about this Daniel character, but when I asked him if he knew a Daniel. He didn’t flinch or think twice. He said he’d never heard of any Haruspex called Daniel.

Part 5
Asking the Harupex at the camp didn’t really give me much to go by. Lady Fri had said that she thought Daniel had made that painting of the harbour she has in her wagon. But that can’t be true. It can’t have been made by the same Daniel as Chloe described! She said he looked a little older than her. That should be around the age of 17 years. That painting looks like it is at least 200 years old! Maybe it was made by a different Daniel. I was back at square one it seemed. When I walked away from the wagons, I noticed something. A purple light floated there! I was stunned! Something I had never seen before. The light didn’t move, not even when I approached it. When I was standing really close to it, I could hear its voice! Not with my ears. It didn’t have a mouth to speak with, but I heard a voice in my mind!! It said it was a Hasuspex elder and continued to explain they had created Ancient Greece from the memories of some first-wave colonists. It was a world meant for them to look familiar. He, or it. I don’t know if they have a gender, continued to tell me they are peaceful and they need our help. Their intentions for creating Ancient Greece were good but something went wrong. Terrible evils appeared as time passed. One of those evils I knew bout, it told me. The Gorgon. But it warned me of an evil I did not know of yet. The Moloch it called it.
This did convince me there is much, much more to these Haruspex than we know. We see the people living in their wagons. Leading a relatively simple life. Occupied with arts mainly, but this floating light is also Haruspex! He says they created an entire world! How is this possible??
As for Daniel. I don’t have any new leads……