Magical Forrest Is Bugged

When in team, it gives message for team leader to enter first. After team leader enters, it tells the others there is an error, could not execute. I swunted them solo, takes about 3 and a half hours, id like to bring a swunt team in. please fix it so i can make Next Island some money :slight_smile:

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The Magical Forest is a solo instance.

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There have been players in the same instance before. It gives a message for team lead to enter first. If its a solo instance, why does it act differently?

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Yes, when the instance was first released it was possible, but this has since been changed. And to the second point, I would need to look into it.

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well…crap…why did it get changed? Is it possible to get it changed back so teams can go in? It would bring more revenue to NI, as i will be running swunt teams in there like daily… :slight_smile:

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It would be amazing to swunt the ghostly screechers.

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Hopefully this works for a full team now.
let us know if there are any issues.

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