Mining from Herbert does not update

Mining mission from Herbert the Mining Instructor does not update after successful hit.

you have to have a hit of lysterium ore

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Thank you. It’s not in the mission description.

What does the mission description say?
I mean if you still haven’t completed it.

cereal overdrive did make a video on that mission awhile back (how cat got some of the text for beginner missions she had already done) Entropia Universe: Free Gear AND PED on Next Island - YouTube in the text that everyone skips over it does say ‘go out and try find some lysterium now’ but not sure on quest log as it says achieve a successful hit. he finds crude oil and it progresses so not sure lol


Ok I had a look and it does not say in the objective, what you have to mine for.
So those that took a pause or didn’t read carefully will not be sure.
That’s something that can be changed though, that’s just text.
I can see though that both oil and lyst counts and I’ll need to read the quest more carfeully to see if it should be that way or not because if yes then there’s more texts that needs to be updated.
Thanks :slight_smile: