Hi I was wondering for Moloch Depths mission if it could say how many out of the 8k mobs you’ve killed as at the moment I have no clue how many out of the screechers I’ve killed or have left to kill (not that I’ll be able to go there any time soon xD)
I was looking and that mission and wondered if you have to kill Screechers in the Moloch Depths.
Anyone actually managed to enter the Moloch Depths?
I wonder what is inside?
Lots of people drops Titan Armor, of which a number of pieces have been discovered
(dropped in loot from creatures inside)
We also made the same suggestion to Socrates when he popped into one of Spike’s streams.
It would be cool if it at least told you (like codex) how much % is done, or some way to indicate how far you’ve got to go.
3 doors in Moloch Depths: Apprentice | Journeyman | Master, each with many Molochs of each corresponding level behind the door. Cost to enter is 1k sweat, for a 6 hour instance. You can enter without a team to have a shared loot experience, or create a team and hunt solo or with a few friends (max 4 people, I believe)
It actually shows progress bar when you are tracking the mission on the screen. No way to see progress when mission is not tracked.
Once I am done with the mission I will be looking for people to join the instance together. If someone is interested add me as friend.
It actually shows progress bar when you are tracking the mission on the screen. No way to see progress when mission is not tracked.
Once I am done with the mission I will be looking for people to join the instance together. If someone is interested add me as friend.
Yes, understood, there’s a progress bar, I’ve completed the missions. What we were suggesting is: it’s impossible to tell how much (or how little) progress you’ve made as far as kill count, or percentage of completion is concerned. The progress bar, by itself, is a bit too vague on missions that are thousands of kill counts. We were hoping they could add some sort of indicator that lets you know how much (exact) progress you’ve made. For instance, in other progress meters (codex, merry mayhem dailies, etc.) you can see (XXXX of 3000) or (XX% Complete) types of hover text or trackers that help identify fractional progress, rather than the vague meter.
I remember when I was finishing the screechers stage, I thought I was done. The bar was fully red, looked completed - and it took more than 10 mobs to actually finish it up. I was like: wait, maybe it’s the next one? OK, maybe this time? Haha!
It’s just vague and we know it’s possible ingame to be more specific. Hope that makes more sense as to what we were asking for.
In the meantime, good luck on finishing your mission and finding others to team up on the Moloch’s!