RESULTS : Elysian Supply Cache 2024

So this is the first list, with the preliminary results.
The only reports and screenshots I have gotten, have been added earlier.
But do check it, and comment below if something seems wrong.

Place Avatar Score Highest Global
1 Jabez JAG Groove 41 12221
2 Gemini Nana Prudential 17 8037
3 Vizzanu VIZZ Nie 17 5557
4 EnTaro Adun Artanis 17 4713
5 Perfect Dmatrix Bimbo 15 1239
6 Avalon Butterfly Erupter 14 27663
7 Daniel Danutu07 Ionut 14 1123
8 Hank mchammer Hammer 14 1034
9 El Dyso Be 13 933
10 Nanashana Nana Itsanai 12 27133
11 Kamonpach BKK Empress 8 1088
12 Baelrahyn Bael Riverwind 6 1379
13 nlx smoker the 6 1102
15 BlackHole Supernova NoEscape 5 1695
16 Image ZZ Marshall 5 1205
17 Maria Tsunade Magdalena 4 3353
18 Raven Lunchbox Palehorse 4 1631
19 Ugnius DraKill Timinskas 4 1586
20 Matthew Matt Graham 4 765
21 Bruce NickName Leeroy 3 12526
22 Don Chelms Helms 3 10753
23 Lars Mr Lars Sebra 3 5455
24 Last lastshdow9969 shadow 3 3491
25 Legendary MastaJ MastaJ 3 3483
26 Leo BlueMan Morosanu’ 3 2533
27 SpikE SpikE Odets 3 1867
28 arron Arron orbavora 3 1397
29 Sebastian HeadshooterGT Matkowski 3 1332
30 Imperator Furiosa Targaryen 3 1253
31 Patrick Pennywise Mcshakerz 2 26755
32 Rhode MassHole Karma 2 8219
33 xXx MrUnderCover xXx 2 2134
34 PTA Paccyy Feral 2 1989
35 George Ace Skywalker 2 1647
36 Lazer Lazz Nero 2 1425
37 Wilburforce ColonelBuckshot Buckshot 2 1248
38 Suza Suze Rider 2 1021
39 Chanti Mylcat Mylapalli 2 815
40 Wand AxeMurderer Silva 1 17698
41 Martin the Hope 1 8582
42 Niklas Negolas Hedlund 1 5329
43 Tiffany Cummings Peniston 1 3539
44 iulrorck abaddon bark 1 2881
45 James Francis Cameron 1 2856
46 Lucky Angel Bob 1 2566
47 Sailor Abbra-Cadaver Moonspell 1 1763
48 Ledjaman theledja ras 1 1447
49 Johan Legolass Egonzon 1 1446
50 vontang kwanyi kwan 1 1409
51 Takumi JapanGirl SwordArt 1 1096
52 Akira AkiranBlade Kurusowa 1 1076
53 Illithya Pig Tails 1 1042
54 Yeux Bleu et Moins de Cheveux 1 1041
55 Alindrina Alli Golden 1 1013
56 josh supajosh the first 1 946
57 The Fifth Entity 1 881
58 sabrehawk ninja papps 1 799
59 Affe Aframo Mr Afroman 1 763
60 Skitzo Skitzo Frenic 1 762
61 Ricardo Rick Sanchez 1 756
62 Sentinel SavageAF Dude 1 710
63 Lucyfer Knight Golder 1 698
64 chris Inferno star 1 680
65 Rylinn Eniacoc Irenicus 1 675

Looks fine to me. When are we getting the goodies?

I have a hard time setting a specific date, because it depends on the amounts of possible comments or correcttions. But I’m monitoring this and as soon as I have an update, I will share it. =)

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I’m going to assume, based on the silence regarding anything missing in the list, that we’re good to go. So I will submit a list with all names and rewards to MA this weekend and then all the winners should get their item in their inventories.
I can’t say a specific time for this, but I don’t think it will take very long.
And if I did something wrong and you get the wrong item, just let me know and we will fix that.


Even full TT :slight_smile: What a surprise


how was queen kerrigan of blades not on the list with hof 43855 ped on 04/23/2024

who confirmed this? lol

If the avatar was registred and the globals didn’t count for some reason, it was up to them to contact us to get it investigated. It was in the rules.

Not sure how accurate, but i had heard that avatar did not register. Also, as stated, no dispute was made to have it included. That is why we have the rules of how things will work and be handled.

Congrats to all who made the list!