Isme Isme Gotitt
posting my June entries!
Isme Isme Gotitt
posting my June entries!
Avatar: hun horus55 wut
Category: Streaming
Twitch channel: Twitch
Month: June 2022
(Twitch)- 08:36 hours
(Twitch)- 08:48 hours
(Twitch)- 09:10 hours
Full Avatar Name: WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Categories you believe you have earned points in: Event Organizer
Events done (June):
Thank you,
WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Name: |Nakor of Boreft
CategoryL Lore
Submissions for June
5 parts posted Lore Submission Thread - #71 by Nakor
Avatar: Matisyahu dllr root
Category: Event Organizers
Submitted for June 2022
Content: 4 events in total
Points: 4x15 =60 points 4x BIG IND SSI
Ava Avy-Leigh Val
JUNE 2022
Category - Events
5 June 2022 - SSI Bought from 8 Players - 15 points
12 June 2022 - SSI bought from 9 Players - 15 Points
19 June 2022 - SSI bought from 7 Players - 15 Points
27 June 2022 - SSI bought from 9 Players - 15 Points
We are grateful for the work you guys do!!!
Avatar: Xx Purplebong xX
Category: Lore
My 5 Chapters - June submission
Posted here: Lore Submission Thread - #70 by Purplebong
Thank you,
Avatar : Leola Leola Resident
Category: Stream: Twitch
Twitch Chanel: Twitch
Month June 2022
Day 1 - 2 H 21 M
Day 2 - 8H 29 M
Day 3 - 3H
Day 4 - 4H 27M
Day 5 - 3H 46M
Day 6 - 3H 54M
please let me know if this counts
<3 Leola
Avatar Name Vic Oskar Skaya
Points: 50 pts
Avatar: Dr Clausius Jr
Category: Event Organizers
Submitted for June 2022
Content: 4 events in total
Points: 4x15 =60 points 4x BIG IND SSI
Note: I’m posting the same info that in previous months but for some reason Socrates says that there is missing info. This is
Avatar: Akira AkiranBlade Kurusowa
Category: Twitch Streams
Month: June
~31 hrs
Avatar: La Dela Dalinha
Month: June
Category: Lore
5 entries: #11 to #15
Posted on: lore-submission-thread/77/74
Avatar: Mike th3Gaashi Shiro
Submitted for June 2022
Lore - 5 points (Lore Submission Thread - #72 by Gaashi)
Event Organizers - 3 events = 45 points (PPG Hunting Event)
Doing what I do best! Got 2 more Incision plates, 2 more Serpent Scales a nice 943Ped hof! Amazing 2 days on Next Island, can’t wait to come back finish my scales and incision plates! JULY JULY JULY
Did 26 hours and 48 minutes! Here’s my JULY Playlist as always
25 hours times 2 points an hour = 50 points
Full Avatar Name: WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Categories you believe you have earned points in: Event Organizer
Events done (July):
Thank you,
WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Avatar name : Dante Artorius Inferno
Category: Lore
Month: July
Points: 5 parts, total 50 points.