Greetings all!
Yes, it’s that time where you get to find out the results for the month of April. Overall, it’s been a brilliant start to the new program, with a total of 44 players making submissions.
Below you will find three separate lists this time, those who qualified, those who did not (and the reason), and those from which I need some additional information on your submission. Hopefully this should be more clear and transparent than previously.
Note on Calculating Average Viewers for Twitch
A number of you have asked how average viewers are calculated, whether as a channel average or video specific. While originally I had outlined this would be by channel average, some of you raised the very good point that some of you are variety streamers that stream other games, and therefore that can have a big impact on your average channel viewers - for better or worse.
As a result of this point, I have elected to look at the average viewers across your NI specific streams for that given month, which should hopefully be a lot more fair.
Collection Dates
Collection Dates will be posted on Monday as a reply to this post. You can set this thread to provide notifications on posts on the right hand side. Collection dates will span different timezones across the next couple of weeks. Most of next week will be up for collection.
Qualified Results
Akira AkiranBlade Kurusowa
Akiyoshi HueLord3000 Hara
Anatol RidRock Bondarenko
Angela Draniie Cloud
Arc Lee Snillum
Auberon Night Night
Ava Avy-Leigh Val
Balam Balam TheKing
Dante Artorius Inferno
Fatteus Fatty Thorsson
hun horus55 wut
La Dela Dalinha
Lamia Majora Pechunter
Leola Leola Resident
Matisyahu dllr root
Mike th3Gaashi Shiro
Nakor of Boreft
Penelope Penny Lane
Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Sarah SarahWatson Watson
Shuren U31REN Ren
Sophia Electra Sanders
Stepen Kai Jackson
Steve StevieB Braggs
Steve StevieB Braggs
Tiffany Cummings Peniston
Tiger Tigs Switfclaw
Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
Vic Oskar Skaya
Vidmantas Vill Laukys
WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Xx Purplebong xX
Zilestian Zessti Dru
shaman synshaman lotus
Disqualified Results
Bob Quasher Bobby // Not enough average viewers
Denis Snz Davidov // Not enough average viewers
Nacho-Kun GamersLandPro FFersaca // Not enough likes, videos can be resubmitted at another time
Submissions requiring more information
anthrgrind killin me2 // Twitch channel and video links not provided, contact me to resolve
Dr. Clausius Jr // More information required, event thread link, details etc
Thank you to everyone for participating and hope you’ve enjoyed taking part. Congratulations to all of those who qualified.