CRP 2022: September Results

Greetings all :blush:

Thank you all for your great effort and work in supporting Next Island and being a part of our great community.

As usual, your can find the results below by clicking on the dropdowns for each section.

If you have any queries or questions, please contact me here on the forum, in game or on Discord. If you feel something is wrong or has been missed, please don’t stress - I’m sure we can get things resolved.

Collection Dates

Collection Dates will be posted tomorrow here .


Czumbil Mczimi Imre
Wand AxeMurderer Silva
WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Bob Quasher Bobby
Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
Akira AkiranBlade Kurusowa
Ricardo Rick Sanchez
Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
Aleksey Random RPG
Vic Oskar Skaya
Fire Dbug Fly
Ava Avy-Leigh Val
Sophia Electra Sanders
Vidmantas Vill Laukys
Akiyoshi HueLord3000 Hara
one crappy player
Isme Isme Gotitt
Matisyahu dllr root
mmolatino El-demente youtube
hun horus55 wut
Mythical Razizeh Dragon
Fatteus Fatty Thorsson
Anatol RidRock Bondarenko
Nakor of Boreft
Xx Purplebong xX
La Dela Dalinha
Stephen Kai Jackson
Steve StevieB Braggs
Dr Clausius Jr
Painkiller Bounty Hunter
Tiffany Cummings Peniston
Auberon Night Night

Thank you :heart:
– Socrates