Noob, free to play or low depositor help initiative on Next Island


Are you n00b (aka new player), free to play or low depsitor?
Good news, I’m here to help you on your journey! :slight_smile:

Anyone who feels that meet any of criteria stated above can contact me once a week (new week starts every monday :smiley: ) and ask me for free item.

Contact me in game: Vidmantas Vill Laykys and I will give 1 free item per week.
Items are something low level, mostly weapons of faps.

I will only give free items on NI/AG - don’t ask me on other planets :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a right not to give you free item, in case I feel that you are an UBER :stuck_out_tongue:

Also in case anyone need any unlimited NI blueprint, which drop from components crafting, like Chrysoberyl Fasteners Blueprint, Dark Lysterium Cog Blueprint, Basic Structure or others - I can give this once for free to anyone. Blueprints not count as free item and you can also get free item for the week :slight_smile:

And lastly, I can also give for free most of Calypso texture UL blueprints, just let me know if you need any and I will check if I have it.

Good luck everyone and feel free to share this link with new players that meet criteria stated above!