PPG Triathlon Event 2022

The PPG Triathlon event is part of Entrolympic Events 2022. It will be held at Cyrene on 17th September 2022. PPG will arrange free warp from several planets (and a return flight afterwards). Any number of three (3) avatar teams may participate in a multi-sport competition consisting of swimming, driving and running. The fastest overall completion time determines the winner. Participants will get Athletic Points for completing the race according to the prizes table below.

Date and Time: Saturday, September 17, 17:45 to 18:25 Game Time.

Location: Sky Labs Teleporter /wp [Planet Cyrene, 138849, 80089, 957, Waypoint]

Race Course: Preview PPG Triathlon Entrolympics special Cyrene

  • The total agility of the team must not exceed 200 points!
  • The swimmer of each team will have to race to the Part 2 where the driver teammate will stand, Once the swimmer reaches the Part 2, the driver can take the relay and move to Part 3 where his runner teammate will stand. Once the driver reaches the Part 3, the runner can take the relay and go to the Finish Line.
  • At every checkpoint there will be a PPG supervisor who will check for false starts.


  • Winner team - 300 PED + 10pts/member
  • Runner up - 150 PED + 9pts/member
  • 2nd runner up - 90 PED + 8pts/member
  • 4th team will win 3x Imperium Spec Lancer (L) and 7pts/member
  • 5th team - 6pts/member
  • 6th team - 5pts/member
  • 7th team - 4pts/member
  • 8th team - 3pts/member
  • 9th team - 2pts/member
  • 10th team - 1pts/member


  1. Swunting Event (free for all) will be held after the main event at approximately 18:30. Maximum of 11 person teams (+leader) will be formed. Each participant will get a free weapon. After the event, the team leader will 1k sweat for 2 PED from all of his team member. Everyone who signs up via the PPG website is entitled to 0.50PED bonus. Sign up is completely optional, you can still participate in the event and sell sweat. NOTE! There will not be enough time during the event to sweat 1k of sweat bottles. Prepare for this!
  2. Hunting Event (free for all) will be held after the swunting event at approx. 20:00. The participants will get a chance to win a selection of PED prizes ranging from 1 to 100 PED.

Prizes will be randomized using a wheel-of-fortune on the PPG website after the event. The wheel-of-fortune is guaranteed to be as fair as technically possible and no tracking of past spins nor “balancing” is done. No signup is required, you only need to input your full avatar name if you do not have a PPG account.

Event Closing/Returning Home

The event closes at 20:45 and the warp back to Calypso (NI and Arkadia if needed) will leave at 21:00.

NOTE! If you have any questions related to the event, please contact me ingame (avatar: Mike th3Gaashi Shiro)

A warm welcome to our event,