Please see below our latest update to Next Island. As always, should you come across any bugs/issues as a result of this update, please make a report in the Bug Report category of the forum. Be sure to include as much information and relevant screenshots as possible.
This VU has been a quieter update in terms of new content (usually the case with post-summer VU for us) but a number of important bug fixes have been implemented.
We hope you enjoy this update and I look forward to seeing you in-game
- Patroclusia estate has been updated with a new layout.
Bug fixes:
Zeus has commanded turrets to be moved away from his vicinity.
As a result of pleasing the Gods, the teleporter at Rhodes has been returned.
You can now revive again at Troy.
The stalls in Ancient Greece will now function as proper shops, we have added 20IP to each AG stall as compensation for waiting.
The anti-gravity device around Crystal Peaks has been disabled, causing the stalls to be planted firmly on the ground again.
Turret outside the Gorgon Wave should no longer obscure the shop stalls.
Troy stalls have been moved slightly closer to the TP.
You can now buff up your Trojan and Hoplite armor with plates!
More particle effects have been pulled out of the 2 dimensional plane into our 3 dimensional setting (Improved Particle Effects).
You now start with Orpheus Cave Teleport unlocked when arriving on NI. This should prevent players from getting stuck in Ancient Greece.
The Ascension Strider now has a description.
Adjusted Desert Crawler Spawns.
The model in Conq’s Rest has been corrected.
All Gorgon upgrade item mission cooldowns are now removed.
Slightly adjusted terrain height in Moloch Depths.
Titan armor is now marked as “Rare”.
Fixed various spelling errors.
NPC’s in Thebes Market have been moved away from player stalls.
Actioned by MA:
- Next Island planet model in space has been updated with a new texture.