GN : Ekimose Desnago Born
month : August
Category : events
- Eki Quizz : #4 / #5 / #6 / #7 /#8 : [Eki Quizz (as unfair as it is fun ]:D)](Eki Quizz (as unfair as it is fun ]:D))
GN : Ekimose Desnago Born
month : August
Category : events
Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
Mounth: August
Twitch streamer ( 25+ hrs )
Twitch 1hr (test steram)
Twitch 6.5hr
Twitch 0.5hr
Twitch 10hr
Twitch (starting of stream)
Twitch 9 hr
Avatar: Anatol RidRock Bondarenko
Month: August
Category: Streamers
total 25 hours or 50 points
Thanks to the administration for the new features in the game!
Auberon Night Night
For August 2021
Hosted SSI’s on the following dates
See attached images of booking sheet
6 August
11 August
12 August
13 August
As well as the race finale for DV Night races on 28 August
Avatar : Happyf33tTV
Category : Streaming on twitch. I believe I have earned at least 50 points streaming on entropia universe so far for August, specifically on next island and ancient greece going through the different daily missions available for new players and promoting the SSI event, a great way to meet new people and good place for new players. I have also been actively promoting Cat’s Next Island guide to new players and players planing to visit NI/AG. Also, did a little bit of shark hunting this month with me being the healer. I am a variety streamer so wanted to post this link to show you the hours I have done in August and average viewership for entropia universe. If you have any concerns feel free to message me ingame.
Avatar : Ava Avy-Leigh Val
2 August Hosted and healed at SSi bought sweat from players
8 August Hosted and healer was eashooko at SSi bought sweat from players
15 August Hosted and healed was Gozzy at SSi bought sweat from players
22 August Hosted and healed was eashooko at SSi bought sweat from players
29 August Hosted and healed was Kai at SSi bought sweat from players
Total Points
Avatar: Michal Dorki Dorcak
Month: August
Category: YouTube videos
Hopefully at least 5 of them make it past 100 views by the time of the reviewing.
Avatar Name: Stirge Stirge Stirge
Month: August
Category: YouTube videos
Eve Everglades
Submitting for month of August
Category - streaming
Over 25 hours in the following 2 videos:
Avatar : David Draxar Born
Category : Events (SSI)
Hosted 5 SSIs during august, way more than 10 people each time :
Mon 23/08
Wed 25/08
Thu 26/08
Fri 27/08
Sat 28/08
Total points : 75
Lamia Majora Pechunter
Twitch streamer
AUGUST submissions 25+ hrs
Couldent post links either, just add a “h” on them
Month: August
Avatar: Aurisk Morey Kenbi
Category - Youtube
10pt - Mob Loot Composition: Screechers @Next Island
10pt - Mob Loot Compositions: Papoo @Next Island
10pt - Mob Loot Composition: Mutant Boars @Next Island
10pt - Mob Loot Composition: Chimera @Next Island
10pt - Mob Loot Composition: Myrinian @Next Island
10pt - Mob Loot Composition: Snow Drake @Next Island
Category - Stream
4pt - 2h7min - Twitch
Total Points: 64
IGN: Feng Huan SecretAznMan Zho
August Redemption Post:
Did all mine with streaming this month. Next month I am planning to mix it up with some streaming and writing
8/30: Twitch (10:15)
8/14: Twitch (5:05)
8/8: Twitch (2:16)
8/7: Twitch (3:55), Twitch (3:34)
Total: ~25 hours!
starts at 10 hours and 14 mins
end at 16 hours and 21 mins (remove a hour tho as i had to leave strem for a bit)
5 hours 7 mins
5 hours 4 mins
5 hours and 2 mins
the next island part ends directly at the 10 hour 10 min mark
10 hours and 10 mins
that totals everything to 25 hours and 23 mins <3
hope everyone is having a wonderful time during this event!!!
(edit, i dont get why my links are not working but if anyone has a way around this or if this message is fine please let me know)
its to do with the trust lvls
HSSC/FFSI Events hosted by Stephen Kai Jackson
from the 16-30 14 events took place total points = 210
((195 if 22/08/2021 event doesn’t count i had over 10 people at event just some where in warp team))
event screen shots posted in Hssc and ffsi event - #29 by StephenKaiJackson as always
Here we go again
Avatar: Patrick Patrikan Habaton
Month: August
50 Points Lore:
Greetings and keep expending the lore of the lonely ape and his backstory please:)
ty cat <3 i really appreciate it
Nick : Erebereberto Ma Fe
Month : July
Category : Streaming on Twitch (Spanish)
Hours : 25+
Submitting for month of August
Link Stream : Twitch
Link Videos:
Twitch ( 1 hour )
Twitch ( 1.5 hrs )
Twitch ( 1 hour )
Twitch ( 2 hours )
Twitch ( 2.5 hours )
Twitch ( 1.5 hours )
Twitch ( 1.5 hours )
Twitch ( 14 hours )
Hi Everyone,
Ingame Name : Gaina Messi91 Cristi
Month : August
7:33 Twitch
8:03 Twitch
Thank you