'True Islanders'

True Islanders

The Next Island Team is pleased to announce the launch of our True Islanders program.
Starting from September 19, 2023 any player born on Next Island will be regarded as a True Islander and as such be eligible for various benefits.

For the launch these benefits include:

  • A True Islander wearable flower (So you can be identified in a crowd)

  • A special bumper car (To ride around in style)

  • Skill gain cookies (To help you on your way to uber)

  • Haruspex V.I.P. area - unlocked

  • Loyalist V.I.P. building - unlocked

  • Resa V.I.P. building - unlocked

True Islanders will also benefit from additional rewards in future for:

  • Special days

  • Special events

  • Certain quests

Apart from these, an additional benefit will be warp services supplied by Archangels.

SF28 and/or SF6 will offer a free scheduled warp service for True Islanders. More details will be provided in a separate post.

(No, we did not bully him into this and this offer is subject to future changes or even a complete removal)

We will be keeping an eye on this program and future changes may occur.
Please look out for official announcements regarding the program and the various benefits it will hold for True Islanders.

Unfortunately this program will not be counting players previously born on Next Island or players living on Next Island who fell under its spell and now call it home. But we have not forgotten about you.

We are currently working on creating a mission for players interested in becoming Islanders.
And true to Next Island, you will find it not exactly as you would expect.

Such a mission may include jail time, death, frustration or sufficient reasons for you to use swear words. However, for those who truly want to become an Islander, no obstacle will be too high. The benefits relating to those who completed the mission will be different from those who are born as True Islanders. Further details will be given when this mission is finalized and added to the game.

So keep an eye on our forum and discord for the next phase.