ArchAngels Presents :: HUNT TILL WE GLOBAL! :: Oct 16th @ 22:00 MA Time :: FREE weapons and ammo will be provided by event hosts :: We will team hunt until we get a global (or HOF!) :: Guaranteed golden swirlies!! :: Free team healing for participants :: Prizes awarded during hunt for mini-contests such as trivia and guess the global ped amount. :: Streaming on a Live discord stage @ ArchAngels :: Come hunt with us :: Hosted by [xX PurpleBong Xx] and [David WestGhoster Carson] :: Weapons, ammo, and heals will be provided for FREE :: :: See you on NI
[Globals]: Team “ArchAngels Hunt Till We Global” killed a creature (Chimera Guardian) with a value of 520 PED!
This was a great event! Thank you so much to all the participants. I am glad we all had fun and I am very grateful that we got such a nice global after about 70 minutes of non-stop team hunting.
[Globals]: Team “ArchAngels Hunt Till We Global” killed a creature (Chimera Guardian) with a value of 520 PED!
A personal thank you to minchas and the SSI crew for helping us promote this event. You guys are amazing! Keep up the good work helping newer players!
Extra special thanks to sponsors and donors to this event. Because of you, we were able to provide free guns, ammo, and heals to all of the participants.
Shaman Lotus