Hello all islanders and visitors,
I would like to start a discussion regarding future fishing improvements.
First of all, I want to thank developers for some recent changes like some decreased prices and forbidden areas with “free fishing” and also daily mission with skill rewards, but I think this is not enough and I will give some criticism too I think it’s possible to make something much more great
Fishing at forbidden areas:
This is a great opportunity for “free fishing” even if it’s slow, rewards are only fish and sometimes you need to sacrifice your life for it.
Possible improvements: NI forbidden fishing area needs an auctioneer on the platform and AG fishing would be a lot more attractive with some “Vase port” to get there fast. Also this tiny Daudaormur construction terminal at AG forbidden area is really cute Would like to see tiny Daudaormur pet in future too
Regular fishing:
I think it was quite a nice idea to have fishing with Short Moonleaf boards. Now when it’s changed back to Bronze tickets, it seems just not worth the price and time to do it.
I think it’s needed to add something into the lake that would be worth using these Bronze tickets here, even if some items would be quite rare.
Or maybe add fishing with Short Moonleaf boards somewhere, but same fast as fishing with tickets. You could get here only fish and nothing else, just faster if your target is daily mission.
NPCs for exchange:
It’s quite sad that every time I check NPCs to exchange fish for rewards and the best option here is “Meh”
Now let’s talk about each reward from NPC:
Very Dry Cleaned Piglet Plushie BP for 75 “Annoying Swim Shady” - only good for someone to get discovery HOF and maybe few plushie lovers;
7 Gold Tickets for 150 “Common James Pond” - not the worst pick if someone needs these gold tickets;
0.4PEDs Medical Therapy skill for 75 “Less Common Tuna Turner” - quite good option for someone who needs these skills, but maybe too high price;
0.4PEDs Resource Gathering skill for 75 “Less Common Tuna Turner” - almost useless reward as it’s very easy to get this skill with tree cutting. Also after getting maxed for Reaper III there is no point to pick this at all;
A Phony Tempest Pill for 35 “Common James Pond” - good for someone who wants some fun;
Crit Hit Damage increase by 10% for 35 “Exclusive Sharkira” - way too expensive considering how rare Sharkira is. To compare it with pills, Devastim 5mg pill gives +30% crit damage increase for 1 hour and costs like 1.8ped. So it’s even better than the reward for Sharkiras. Considering losing effect on death (and probably on relog or crash) it’s worth like 0,5ped in my opinion. And 35 “Exclusive Sharkira” seems worth A LOT more than 0,5ped considering that it takes ages to catch these. Also I suggest maybe split this buff to 1 hour just due to lower chance to die;
2 hour 100% skillgain modifier for 35 “Exclusive Sharkira” - much better option than 2h 10% crit damage increase, but I think still too expensive. Risk to die within 2 hours also is bad side effect;
+100kg carry weight increase for 35 “Exclusive Sharkira” - too expensive. Not stated if this is lost if you die, so I guess not lost?
Wall Mount BP (all types) 5 clicks for 75 “Annoying Swim Shady” - People only pick these to get HOF once blueprints like these are introduced. Can’t imagine anyone picking such blueprints constantly. Prices too high for blueprints like these;
Time Travel BP 15 clicks for 75 “Less Common Tuna Turner” - price too high.
Meh - best choice.
Suggestions how to change NPCs:
There should be at least 3-4 NPCs to trade fish for some rewards.
- Skilled NPC which have ~20 different choices of skill rewards for fish so everyone can choose what’s the best for them;
- High NPC which have a lot of various kinds of pills, candies, effects. NI already have various good consumables, why can’t these be added to NPCs?
- Crafter’s best friend NPC which sell various kinds of blueprints. Blueprints should be better than useless furnitures which no one ever clicks. Let’s make blueprints for boats! How is it possible that in the year 2024 we don’t boats on NI?
- Lost NPC which sells everything else that three others can’t offer
Each of these NPCs should contain ~20 different items so there would be good enough options to choose from.
AG fishes:
I hope it was a very temporary solution to include AG fishes only to some furniture BP which most likely won’t be very popular among crafters and we will see much better uses for AG fishes
Let’s start a discussion
Any opinions are welcome, even very opposite ones