New Years Event - Next Island

Next Island developers and BIG Industry brings you a chill new years event to kick of the year while hanging out with some friends before we all get back to work.
January 6th, 2024 we will have 3 events

Special SSI
Held at the Thebes ampitheater /wp [Ancient Greece, 36428, 20629, 118, Waypoint]
Sweating dev spawned mobs
30k sweat buy

Boss wave
Held at Cyzicus teleporter
/wp [Ancient Greece, 39884, 22468, 255, Waypoint]

BIG Industries HSL hunt
Held at Spartan Training Grounds
/wp [Ancient Greece, 38509, 21698, 113, Waypoint]
Cash prizes and a chance to complete some daily chimera missions

A free warp is offered from Calypso, Cyrene and Arkadia to Next Island flying at 2024-01-06T14:00:00Z
Watch your planet chat for adverts to join up with a team.
Team’s will be open 1hr before the warp and must be in team at least 15min before the warp leaves to avoid any delays.
No lootables allowed.


Looking forward to working with the NI devs on the new years event and possibly more such events going forward.
Thank you to the devs for being so involved with the islanders and now even creating a dev run event we can tie in to.
I hope more players reach out and join up with the future plans.

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