CRP23 - Submission -May

Notice to all streamers!!!
Please read the rules. (A few times if you do not understand)
I will not accept a stream of a player running around hunting stuff with music blaring and zero interaction with your viewers.
You are not specifically bound to voice but emoji’s and Hey dude’s or Hows the weather? is not engaging content. However playing while typing is not easy so voice would be the obvious method of interaction.
We reduced the streaming hours massively. With an allowance for bonus points to be earned for excellent streams which would further reduce the hours for some.
And yet the streams are still the same as before. An avatar killing stuff for hours on end with blaring music. Or mining. Fruitwalking. Crafting.

Please reread the rules. A MASSIVE emphasis is on viewer engagement and entertainment value.
Failure to do so will see your stream not qualify.

In response to requests from 2 streamers
You can use chatgpt and ask it for ideas on how to enhance your engagement and entertainment value. I do not require you to be chatting to players the whole time. You can break this silnce with some explaining of what you are doing.
I do encourage you to google for ideas, use chagpt, ask other streamers, watch other streamers and look at enhancing your content. We do have a reason for this and it will become clear in the future.


Fire Dbug Fly
Streams: 219m 93M 210M - 410M

More Streams to Come, Covered items of the VIP’S, Stel VIP Mining, Desert Crawlers, Great Whites, Molochs Quest, Red Papoo Stalkers, Low Dailies

Covered Magical Flowers Bonus Mission and collecting materials.

Intended to stream a weekend off planet but be back for more NI stream time next week.

Look forward to seeing everyone for the next 7 months. #CRP


Penelope Penny Lane
Streaming Collection For May - Next Island CRP May 2023 #NextIsland #CRP - Total Time 16:20:22 (so far)

Individual Twitch Streams:
May 2, 2023 - Next Island: V.I.P Dailies #NextIsland #CRP - Time 2:45:46
Resa VIP Sand Boar Daily, Crystal Hoarder Brontes Daily, Stel VIP Daily Portal Guardian Hunt
May 3, 2023 - Next Island CRP: Haruspex Chest #NextIsland #CRP - Time 1:45:16
Daily Maybe Portal Guardian hunt for Chest BP, crafting the Haruspex Chest, CARE daily for Analysis skill, Screecher Hunting for mats for Crystalline Core Daily
May 4, 2023 - Phun with PennyP! #NextIsland #CRP - Time 2:33:30
Daily Asterion Hunt for Computer Skill, Daily Achelous Hunt for Biology Skill, Daily Sand Boar hunt for Tailoring Skill
May 6, 2023 - The Gazebo Effect #NextIsland #CRP - Time 2:28:16
Hunting Brontes & Sand Boar, Doing Haircuts on the Beach, Daily Asterion Hunt
May 7, 2023 - Sunday Funday #NextIsland #CRP - Time 2:14:18
Checking out the Moloch Depths for the first time, Taming an Asclarias, Daily Maybe Hunt, Hunting Papoo on the Beach (Loyalist VIP) for Coloring Skill
May 8, 2023 (1) - May 8, 2023: Skillin’ Like A Villain #NextIsland #CRP pt.1 - Time 1:20:00
Brontes Daily for Phenacite to do Lesser Elysia Daily, Death Drake Dailly
May 8, 2023 (2) - May 8, 2023: Skillin’ Like A Villain #NextIsland #CRP pt.2 - Time 1:08:52
Death Drake Iron & Myrinian Hunt
(May 8th pt1 & pt2 were steamed on the 8th but published on the 9th)
May 13, 2023 - Deliver us From the Dark Queen #NextIsland #CRP - Time 2:04:24
Mission Hunting for the Gorgon (Steropes), Daily Lesser Elysia Challenge

To Be Con’t . . .

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Happy Happyf33tTV feet

Total number of participants is 16 for the week 08/05/2023 to 14/05/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23 - #4 by happyf33t


Avatar name: Bob Quasher Bobby
category: Streaming
Сhannel: Twitch

  1. Twitch 3h
  2. Twitch 4h 30 min
  3. Twitch 5 h
  4. Twitch 2h

Avatar name: Brumle Brumle Hunter
category: Streaming
Сhannel: Twitch

1st. 16-05-2023 Twitch 5h 44min (server maintenanse while streaming :confused: )
2nd. 17-05-2023 Twitch 2h 28min
3rd. 19-05-2023 Twitch 3h 51min (wisp event on gorgon and daily mission)
22-05-2023 Twitch 2h Starting sharks for Steel V.I.P

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Okay few hiccups and my health bar is not in the right spot xD but

Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
Stream: Twitch (Roughly 1 hour 40 mins)

In game name: Vidmantas Vill Laukys
Category: Event creator

Events and details:

I claim mission The Seeds of Harmony - Posted to you on discord, by Salty Wisp #6671

Cosmic Odyssey event on AG & NI Space | Streamed Twitch

2h 25min In Space | 1h In AG Gorgon

Stream in NI Space & AG Gorgon | Cosmic Odyssey Event | Twitch

Part 1 of event TOTAL 5 participants | Ni Space Hunt

Part 2 of evetn TOTAL 5 participants, more dropped in with time | AG Gorgon Wave

2h, 25 min streamed in NI space | 1h Streamed in AG

hope this one counts xD I had a lot of fun today at nights event

Pollianna cat1000er Fairling
Stream: Twitch (roughly 1 hour)

Happy Happyf33tTV feet

Total number of participants is 21 for the week 15/05/2023 to 20/05/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23 - #14 by happyf33t

In game name: Maria FunnyFufu Awesomecakes

Live Streams:

  1. Twitch -Time: 02:23:14 - First day on Next Island. Mainly explored and collected some teleporters.

  2. Twitch - Time: 05:56:24 - Focused on familiarizing myself with Next Island and Ancient Greece. Collected teleporters and started my first dailies.

  3. Twitch - Time: 01:33:22 - Worked on some of my first hunting challenges and continued some missions. (Part 1 out of 2)

  4. Twitch - Time: 02:16:40 - Worked on mission chains and started working on other dailies. (Part 2 out of 2)

  5. Twitch - Time: 05:43:30 - I checked out some of the Containment dailies and worked on the Daily Crystal Hoarder Mission for the first time. I also spent some time here and there to look for some blue flowers. :smiley:

  6. Twitch - Time: 04:13:22 - Did some Papoos and Cyclops missions and started working on the harvesting missions.

  7. Twitch - Time: 07:02:00 - Finished The Simian Problem missions and did some more dailies. I spent more time searching for flowers as well.

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IGN: Hashirama Ecorze Senju

First livestream of NI, doing some grinds

Pugnus Amryu Tonitrus - Streaming

Twitch VOD 26.05. - Twitch
Twitch VOD 27.05. - Twitch
Twitch VOD 28.05. - Twitch

Returning Player to NI, so did alot of exploring and mostly hunted different stuff. Progressed Moloch Quest, did Gorgon Wave started Resa V.I.P. mission, unlocked Mystical Forest.

Happy Happyf33tTV feet

Total number of participants is 21 for the week 22/05/2023 to 26/05/2023 with screenshots of the results for the mining runs for each player. More info can be found here Happyf33tTV Free Mining Event and Streaming Next Island - CRP23

Stream 16 may 2023
Stream 17 may 2023
Stream 18 may 2023
Stream 25 may 2023
Stream 27 may 2023

Please find my May 2023 submission below:
May 2023 Collection

6 streams in total broken out below:
Sneks n Rares
Dailies n Rares
Dailies n Rares part 2
Dailies n Fluffin
Gorgon n Friends

Avatar: Artem InTeam Svoikin
Categories: streaming (mission , hunting , mining, sawing, craft, and fun))
Chanel: [Twitch] inteamentropia

  1. Twitch 5h 50 min
  2. Twitch 1h 40 min
  3. Twitch 7h. 20 min