Watson's buy list!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the official post about my buy list! Just a little bit of boring info before we get into the juicy stuff! This buy list is here to stay until the foreseeable future! This list has been a few months in the making now and some of you have already been able to start trading through our trial runs but now it’s time for an official post!

This buy list is designed to help low-level/ new players get more PEC for their items! It was designed to allow you guys to sell small amounts from hunts. It was always something many people at ArchAngels struggled with when starting. Not getting a big enough stack to put on the AU and settling to either TT because you ran out of PED or selling for an incredibly low price, never gave the greatest of feelings.

To combat this we have designed a buy list that limits people on how much they can sell but ensures you get the best MU for your items.

Here are the rules we have:

-The spreadsheet attached will show you how much of a certain item you can sell at any one time.

  • You are limited to selling 5 items at a time. (This can be 5 lots of the same item if you wish)
  • Selling times are limited to when I am streaming: Twitch :female_detective: Or if I am streaming with Cat1000er: Twitch. :cat:
  • You can sell different amounts depending on whether you are a follower or subscriber. However, the MU% is the same regardless. This is clearly shown on the spreadsheet.
  • You must request a trade by communicating on my Twitch chat.
  • You are more than welcome to suggest items to add to the list but we do not tolerate any foul behaviour towards the soc demanding more items. We are slowly adding more items the more we iron out a few kinks. Please be patient.

Our goals for the future:

  • We try to keep our prices as up-to-date as possible aiming to update them weekly.
  • We are in discussions about adding an item or two every few months. This current trial period is until September 2025.
  • We are also trying to find ways to increase the buying amount but have not yet come to a sustainable outcome.

This buy list is funded in several ways.
-Twitch ad revenue- By watching my stream you will get ads, and the money from these ads goes into the buy list pot to help.
-Random donations- A few have given PED here and there to help with the buy list and we will never say no if you wish to donate some PED towards this.

I hope to see many of you on NI hunting away and seeing you all get some trades in! If you wish to be kept more up-to-date on this buy list please join the ArchAngels Discord and I will be doing updates on there on changes and extra buys on occasion :slight_smile: ArchAngels.Live

Here is the link to the buy list! : Watson's Buy List - Google Sheets

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask on this forum, Discord or in-game! :slight_smile:

See you all soon!

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